[llvm-dev] Using C++ and sanitizer_common in profile runtime

Petr Hosek via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 14 17:50:50 PDT 2021

That renaming makes sense given that sanitizer_common is slowly becoming a
common runtime library. At the risk of more bikeshedding, we could also
consider naming it just 'common'. We might also consider breaking up
sanitizer_common into multiple libraries like 'common', 'libcdep',
'symbolizer', 'sancov', matching the existing object libraries (see

I want to avoid introducing external dependencies (either direct or
transitive via sanitizer_common), in fact my goal is the opposite, I want
to eliminate the existing dependency on libc. This is important for us
since we use the profile runtime in our kernel and our libc. The use of C++
as an implementation language shouldn't be a problem, we have plenty of
experience using C++ in bare metal contexts.

>From the user perspective this change should be invisible and the
libclang_rt.profile ABI should ideally remain the same. We can introduce
tooling to enforce that by comparing libclang_rt.profile ABI against a list
that's checked into the repository, which is an approach that other
runtimes use as well.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 5:19 PM Xinliang David Li <davidxl at google.com>

> I actually meant 'runtime_common'.
> David
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 5:07 PM Vedant Kumar <vsk at apple.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 14, 2021, at 4:56 PM, Xinliang David Li <davidxl at google.com>
>> wrote:
>> Can we introduce C wrappers to sanitizer_common and use them in profile
>> runtime? Of course 'sanitizer_common' needs to become 'profile_common'.
>> I like the sound of 'runtime_common' a bit better (sorry for the bikeshed
>> :).
>> vedant
>> David
>> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 4:14 PM Petr Hosek <phosek at google.com> wrote:
>>> What are your thoughts on using C++ and sanitizer_common in profile
>>> runtime?
>>> First, to clarify, I'm not suggesting using the standard C++ library.
>>> What I'm suggesting is just using the C++ language akin to sanitizer
>>> runtimes or memprof.
>>> profile runtime is the last major runtime in compiler-rt that's
>>> implemented in C and switching to C++ could make the compiler-rt codebase
>>> more uniform. Beyond that, I think this could be beneficial for several
>>> reasons:
>>> * _Reducing the duplication between profile runtime and
>>> sanitizer_common._ Both of these implement various polyfills for different
>>> platforms (for example the mmap like interface) and it would be great if we
>>> could avoid duplicating the effort and share a common implementation.
>>> * _Avoiding potential cyclic dependencies in profile runtime._ The
>>> implementation currently uses various libc functions, but if libc is
>>> profile instrumented there is a risk of potentially entering an infinite
>>> recursion. This could be avoided by using internal implementations of these
>>> libc functions which sanitizer_common does, but if we wanted to take the
>>> same approach for profile runtime, we would need to re-implement these
>>> functions again further increasing duplication.
>>> * _Simplifying the profile runtime implementation._ Some parts of the
>>> runtime already use object-oriented style interfaces, that is structs with
>>> function pointers, replacing these with classes would make the code
>>> cleaner. Furthermore, we could use classes to abstract away some of the
>>> platform implementation which currently relies on ifdefs. We could also
>>> take the advantage of RAII for resource management.
>>> If we decided to go ahead with this change, I'd suggest an incremental
>>> transition rather than doing a major rewrite. We would start by ensuring
>>> that all source files compile as C++. Then we would introduce the
>>> sanitizer_common dependency and see which functions could be replaced by
>>> sanitizer_common counterparts. Finally, we could refactor the
>>> implementation and take advantage of C++ constructs where appropriate.
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