[llvm-dev] Querying IRTranslator value mapping results

Aleksandr Bezzubikov via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jul 12 07:25:01 PDT 2021

Hi llvm-dev,

I have the following problem - I want to generate a target instruction
which denotes LLVM type of a value and its argument should be the value's
vreg. Correct me if I'm wrong, the only stage I can do that at is
IRTranslator since later we don't have any access to LLVM values at all,
but IRTranslator's VMap is private and no other way to access such info

In this review https://reviews.llvm.org/D101538 it was already discussed
that overriding translate() methods is not good enough, can you suggest
other ways of coping with that?

I thought about extending GISelObserver with a new event, something like
'VRegCreated(Value*,VReg), what do you think? Or perhaps some TTI hook
called within translate/getOrCreateVRegs.

I've tried approaches with target pseudo intrinsics and extra IR passes,
but still everything depends on missing the external (relatively to the
IRTranslator) way to obtain the info about Value->Vreg mapping.

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