[llvm-dev] __attribute__((apple_abi)): targeting Apple/ARM64 ABI from Linux (and others)

Adrien Guinet via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 8 21:49:37 PDT 2020

Hello Martin,

Thanks for your very detailed answer. Comments below.

On 10/8/20 11:13 AM, Martin Storsjö wrote:
> Hi,
> For the record, I've spent a nontrivial amount of time on the ARM64
> version of Wine, and back in the day started out by implementing the
> ms_abi attribute for aarch64 just to get the handling of printf like
> functions right - dealing with (to some extent) most of the same issues
> you're dealing with here.

Interesting, and thanks for you work on the Wine/ARM64 port!

> On Thu, 8 Oct 2020, Adrien Guinet via llvm-dev wrote:
>> [3] What I say here isn't entirely true, as darlinghq moved away from
>> this "wine" model (which can be seen very basically as make a loader
>> for the targeted architecture, create wrappers for system libraries
>> and run all of this in userland). For those interested in more
>> information, I recommend reading the article in
>> http://blog.darlinghq.org/2017/02/the-mach-o-transition-darling-in-past-5.html
> I would say this isn't entirely accurate regarding how wine works -
> maybe it was the case for other thinner win32 binary loaders that have
> existed though.
> Wine never (at least not in the last 20 years afaik) just translated
> calls between the windows and host environment. Wine consists of a
> mostly full reimplementation of all the supported Windows APIs, and
> these only occasionally call down to the host libc and host's native
> APIs. It's true that Wine used to build its modules as native ELF (or
> MachO) binaries - but they weren't just plain ELF .so's; internally they
> contain most of the PE DLL data structures as well, so that run and
> interact with other modules using the normal DLL import/export mechanisms.

I do agree on this, and my comment has been a (failed) attempt at trying
to summarize wine in one sentence...

> So that sounds very much like the same approach that Darling is taking,
> except that Darling doesn't maintain support for building the emulated
> components as ELF, only as native MachO. And Darling has the benefit of
> being able to build Apple's open sourced code, instead of having to
> reimplement it all based on the public interfaces.
> In any case - even if the bulk of the code is built as the emulated
> platform's native binaries (DLL or MachO), I guess there's a need for
> interaction at some layer (even if the interface might be quite thin),
> so having support for something like this sounds sensible to me.
> And being able to interact with code built for a different ABI on a
> per-function level also sounds very sensible to me. So I don't think
> this is a bad idea.

Okay, so I guess I will continue on this rabbit hole a little bit more :)

> BTW, for running Windows code on Linux, one constant stumbling block has
> been the use of the x18 register. On Linux, this register is normally
> free to use by any function, but on Windows, it is supposed to remain
> constant (pointing at a thread specific data structure), with various
> workarounds being used to retain it.
> For the Darwin case, x18 is reserved (so compiler generated code doesn't
> use it, similar to windows), but AFAIK nothing really uses it. Earlier,
> the Darwin kernel used to overwrite the x18 register to 1 on context
> switch, just to make sure that no code kept relying on it retaining its
> value, but this doesn't seem to be the case any longer. As no code
> actually uses it, it shouldn't be any problem for your usecase.

Interesting to know indeed. And TBH I'm glad I don't have to deal with
that problem in this usecase...

>> The current implementation & questions
>> ======================================
>> The current implementation introduces the CC_AArch64_Apple calling
>> convention, to enforce the usage of Apple's CC when necessary. This
>> has mainly been inspired by how CC_Win64 works.
>> There are I think at least these limitations:
>> * this supposes that the original targeted CC is Apple ARM64 AAPCS. In
>> its current form,
>> there is no way to support for instance vector calls (see for instance
>> https://github.com/aguinet/llvm-project/commit/c4905ded3afb3182435df30e527955031cb0d098#diff-f124368bac3e5d7be20450aa83b166daR218)
> I'm not familiar with the vector calling convention here - but if that's
> used, the function (on the C level) already has a suitable attribute
> specifying the non-standard calling convention? Wouldn't that end up
> lowered into the right thing here as well?

Let's say a user wants to target the Apple "aapcs-vfp" calling
convention from a Linux/ARM64 binary. He would for instance want to use
that combination:

__attribute__((apple_abi)) __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"))) void foo(...)

In our current implementation, that would not work because we would try
to setup two different LLVM calling conventions on the same function.

> Or is it a case where there's a generic "vector" calling convention
> which turns into different things depending on whether targetin linux or
> darwin?

That's my understanding reading for instance

> In that case, you'd probably need add a separate attribute and
> calling conventions, like apple_vector and sysv_vector (or whatever to
> call the default), to allow specifying the intent more exactly.

On the LLVM level I guess yes, but maybe we might keep this simple on
the clang level by allowing the combination above?

> For windows on i386, there's actually at least 4 different calling
> conventions being used; cdecl (the default for C code), stdcall,
> fastcall and vectorcall. As those names aren't associated with anything
> else on other platforms, you can use e.g. __attribute__((fastcall)) on
> any platform.

Okay, that works in this case indeed.

>> My questions would be:
>> * the fact that we can't target Apple's vector calls ABI shows that
>> having one
>> CC_AArch64Apple (as CC_Win64 exists) calling convention might not be
>> the right
>> implementation of this "apple_abi" attribute. Has someone better
>> suggestions?
> It doesn't sound too bad to me, but as naming things is one of the
> hardest things, one could also think of other, less generic names (as
> the attribute "apple_abi" or whatever it is, doesn't per se imply any
> specific ABI, but just is the apple default C calling convention) - but
> "apple_c_default" also is ugly.

Cf. above, allowing the combination of attributes might be a viable

>> * For variadic functions (which are among the functions that have
>> different ABIs), GCC and Clang have __builtin_ms_va_list. My
>> understanding is that we should have the Apple equivalent, but I'm not
>> sure to completely understand what's at stake here. Said differently,
>> is this builtin used to make sure we use the va_list type of the Apple
>> ABI, should the need arise to forward it to another function that uses
>> the Apple ABI?
> Exactly. In your example, you're implementing printf, so you're
> receiving variadic arguments on the stack, boiling them down to a (linux
> native) va_list and passing them to a linux native vprintf. If you'd be
> implementing and wrapping the darwin vprintf on the other hand, you'd
> need to declare it to be receiving a __builtin_apple_va_list.

Okay thanks! So I'll add this to the todo list.

>> The fact that va_start/va_end works by using the Linux ABI from a
>> function whose arguments use the Apple ABI seems completely magical to
>> me, so if someone knows why this work I would also be interested!
> I think this might be a borderline case that I wasn't entirely sure
> would work right, but apparently does. (Or maybe the code really is
> flexible enough to systematically handle such mixed cases?)

Tim Northover described what seems to happen in another answer, and so
it looks like to be mostly out of luck that it works.

> The calling convention attribute indicates how and where the variadic
> arguments are laid out on the stack, but these are then collected into a
> linux native va_list, which is passed to the linux native vprintf
> function that interprets them accordingly.
> FWIW, if you want to experiment with how variadic functions and va_list
> behaves on different platforms, you can try e.g. this test snippet:
> void vararg(int a, ...);
> void call_vararg(void) {
>         vararg(7, 8, 9, 10.0, 11, 12.0, 13);
> }
> void other(__builtin_va_list ap);
> void receive_vararg(int a, ...) {
>         __builtin_va_list ap;
>         __builtin_va_start(ap, a);
>         other(ap);
>         __builtin_va_end(ap);
> }
> int use_vararg(__builtin_va_list *ap) {
>         return __builtin_va_arg(*ap, int);
> }
> Compiling this with e.g. "clang -target
> {aarch64-windows,aarch64-linux-gnu,arm64-apple-darwin} -S -O2 -o -
> test.c" lets you have a look at what they end up like. E.g. use_vararg
> is identical between darwin and windows, while call_vararg is kind of
> similar between linux and windows (except windows passes all variadic
> args in GPRs), and receive_vararg is pretty different between all of them.

Thanks a lot for this tip. I will have a closer look at it.

>> Is this a terrible idea?
>> ========================
>> Building these "ABI wrappers" using an "apple_abi" attribute seemed a
>> good idea at the beginning, but this already raises some concerns (see
>> above), and I'd be willing to hear any arguments that show that this
>> is actually a bad idea.
> It's certainly more sustainable and durable to provide full, proper
> implementations of the target, like Darling and Wine do, but even then,
> being able to build a function taking arguments with a foreign calling
> convention does sound sensible and useful to me.

Okay, fair enough :)

> Depending on exactly where you draw the line between "emulated"/foreign
> executables and native host system, you might not have any variadic
> functions in the border interface layer, and then you might get away
> without such support in the compiler, but to me, it sounds like a useful
> thing to have in any case.

Our test cases use very few libc/libSystem functions, but some of them
are indeed from the "printf"-family to output interesting informations,
so I think it's worth the efforts to support them. The goal indeed isn't
to go through a full implementation of that targeted system.

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