[llvm-dev] Unexpected behavior found in Stack Coloring pass, need clarification

Craig Topper via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 5 23:30:59 PDT 2020

Its very unusual that there is a bitcast in the middle of the allocas going
into the StackColoring pass. While not explicitly illegal IR, its unusual.
Allocas are usually grouped together. I suspect the stack coloring pass
isn't handling this well.

It looks like InstCombine created the bitcast and may have made a bad
decision about where to place it.


On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 11:10 PM Mohammed Abid Uzair via llvm-dev <
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have come across an unusual behavior where instruction domination rule
> is violated "Instruction does not dominate all its uses." It concerns with
> StackColoring pass present at llvm/lib/CodeGen/StackColoring.cpp. I am
> reaching out to the LLVM community to help me understand the cause of this
> issue and the working of the pass.
> The IR produced at the end of the pass seems to be malformed..
> Looking at transformed IR, it is clear that use of %0 precedes the
> definition of %0. This is why I feel it is a bug. I would like to confirm
> with the community if this is an unexpected behavior and if so, what could
> be the possible way of fixing this issue. I shall be happy to submit a
> patch.
> Also, please help me understand on what basis the pointer to be replaced
> is picked? In other words, why is %tmp is preferred over %ref.tmp?
> If they allocate the same number of bytes, why is %ref.tmp not given
> preference as it comes first in the order?
> *Malformed IR at the end of Stack Coloring pass:*entry:
>     %a = alloca %struct.e, align 1
>     %ref.tmp = alloca { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }, align 8
>     %tmpcast = bitcast { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }* %0 to %class.d*
>     ...
>     %tmp = alloca %"struct.e::f", align 8
>     %0 = bitcast %"struct.e::f"* %tmp to { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }*
>     ...
>     ret void
> *Steps to reproduce:*
> For debugging purposes, I have modified last few lines of
> runOnMachineFunction(..) method present in the StackColoring.cpp file.
> The original source can be found here:
> https://llvm.org/doxygen/StackColoring_8cpp_source.html
>     bool StackColoring::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &Func) {
>     ...
>     ...
>     remapInstructions(SlotRemap);
> +   bool markerCount = removeAllMarkers();
> +   DenseMap<int, int>::iterator itr = SlotRemap.begin();
> +   const AllocaInst *dInst = MFI->getObjectAllocation(itr->first);
> +   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Set break point here to inspect dInst\n");
> +   return markerCount;
>   }
> I'm using the following test-case to reproduce the issue:
> *testcase.cpp*
> class d {
>   float b[4];
> };
> d operator-(d);
> struct e {
>   struct f {
>     int *c[4];
>   };
>   void h(const d &);
> };
> struct j {
>   int temp;
>   e::f k();
> };
> d i;
> void g() {
>   e a;
>   a.h(-i);
>   j b;
>   b.k();
> }
> Use the following flag set to debug:
> $ gdb --args llvm/build/bin/clang++ -c -w -O2 testcase.cpp
> Inside gdb: (set break point at the end of the pass to inspect the basic
> block)
> (gdb) set follow-fork-mode child
> (gdb) b StackColoring.cpp:1301
> (gdb) r
> (gdb) p dInst->getParent()->dump()
> *My findings*
> 1. Definition of %0 register and use of it are found to be in the same
> basic block and the use is preceded by the def.
> 2. I believe the IR produced is malformed after a call to
> remapInstructions(..) method is made. The method removeAllMarkers() does
> not modify IR in my knowledge. So it is safe to assume that LLVM IR
> produced at the end of the pass is same as the IR after the call to
> remapInstructions(..) is made.
> 3. While executing remapInstructions(..), the uses of %ref.tmp are
> replaced with %0 in %tmpcast definition when
> From-AI->replacesAllUsesWith(Inst) call is made. This is triggering the
> bug. It basically grabs the UseList (one of them being the definition of
> %tmpcast) and renames all the %ref.tmp uses to %0.
> *Basic Block IR before replaceAllUsesWith method is executed*:
> entry:
>   %a = alloca %struct.e, align 1
>   %ref.tmp = alloca { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }, align 8
>   %tmpcast = bitcast { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }* %ref.tmp to %class.d*
>   %b = alloca %struct.j, align 4
>   %tmp = alloca %"struct.e::f", align 8
>   %0 = bitcast %"struct.e::f"* %tmp to { <2 x float>, <2 x float>}*
>   ...
>   ret void
> *Basic Block IR after replaceAllUsesWith method is executed:*
> entry:
>  %a = alloca %struct.e, align 1
>  %ref.tmp = alloca { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }, align 8
>  %tmpcast = bitcast { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }* %0 to %class.d*
>  %b = alloca %struct.j, align 4
>  %tmp = alloca %"struct.e::f", align 8
>  %0 = bitcast %"struct.e::f"* %tmp to { <2 x float>, <2 x float> }*
>  ...
>  ret void
> I would like to hear what the community has to say about this. Apologies
> if formatting is messy. Let me know if something is not clear, I'm happy to
> explain and elaborate. Thanks in advance.
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