[llvm-dev] How to make LLVM clang linker self-contained?

Edmund Furse via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 23 04:36:36 PDT 2020

Dear llvm dev community I need your help please.
I am new to llvm-dev and not an expert in LLVM or UNIX or C.

I am trying to build a MacOSX app that can compile and link Objective C files.

I can succeed in doing this if sandboxing is turned off.
However, when sandboxing is turned on, the compiling works but linking fails with the error:
clang-9 xcrun: error: cannot be used within an App Sandbox.

I have downloaded the LLVM binary and created a Tools folder that contains the folders of the binary, namely bin, include, li, libexec, share.  
My example app uses NSTask to call clang from Tools/bin/clang.
If you call clang from usr/bin/clang then sandboxing will not allow compilation.

I presume that linking fails because the LLVM clang linker is calling routines that are external to the LLVM binary.
Is it possible to make the LLVM clang linker self-contained? and if so, how?
Alternatively, I might have got some of the linker flags wrong.
Or do I need a completely different approach?

My code follows.

Error Message:

2020-03-20 11:57:13.664406+0000 NewClangM21[669:9420] Compilation was successfull.
2020-03-20 11:57:13.797517+0000 NewClangM21[669:9420] There was a linking error: clang version 9.0.0 (git://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git 0399d5a9682b3cef71c653373e38890c63c4c365)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Users/edmundfurse/Documents/NewClang/NewClangM21/DerivedData/NewClangM21/Build/Products/Debug/NewClangM21.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/bin
 "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ld" -demangle -lto_library /Users/edmundfurse/Documents/NewClang/NewClangM21/DerivedData/NewClangM21/Build/Products/Debug/NewClangM21.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/lib/libLTO.dylib -dynamic -arch x86_64 -bundle -macosx_version_min 10.14.0 -o "/Users/edmundfurse/Library/Containers/com.uk.imitation.NewClangM21/Data/Library/Application Support/NewClangM21/ImitateScriptSystem/TemporaryFiles/TestMain" -L/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk "/Users/edmundfurse/Library/Containers/com.uk.imitation.NewClangM21/Data/Library/Application Support/NewClangM21/ImitateScriptSystem/TemporaryFiles/TestMain.o" -framework Cocoa -framework Foundation -lSystem /Users/edmundfurse/Documents/NewClang/NewClangM21/DerivedData/NewClangM21/Build/Products/Debug/NewClangM21.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/lib/clang/9.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.osx.a "-F/Users/edmundfurse/Library/Containers/com.uk.imitation.NewClangM21/Data/Library/Application Support/NewClangM21/ImitateScriptSystem/TemporaryFiles/"
xcrun: error: cannot be used within an App Sandbox.
clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
2020-03-20 11:57:13.798321+0000 NewClangM21[669:9420] CASE 1 LINK ERROR


#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "NSFileManager+DirectoryLocations.h"

@interface AppDelegate ()

@property (weak) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;

@implementation AppDelegate

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
    // Insert code here to initialize your application
    NSString* compileResult = [self compileScriptFile:@"TestMain"];
    if ([compileResult isEqualToString:@""])
        NSLog(@"Compilation was successfull.");
    BOOL linkResult = [self linkScriptFiles:@"TestMain"];
    if (linkResult)
        NSLog(@"Linking was successfull.");

- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
    // Insert code here to tear down your application

- (NSString*)compileScriptFile:(NSString*)theScriptName
    NSString *applicationSupportDirectoryPath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] applicationSupportDirectory];
    NSString* temporaryFilesDirectoryName = concatenate(applicationSupportDirectoryPath, @"/ImitateScriptSystem/TemporaryFiles/");
    NSString* result = [self compileFile:theScriptName
    if (![result isEqualToString:@""])
        NSLog(@"There was an error compiling the file");
        return result;
    return @"";

- (NSString*)compileFile:(NSString*)fileName
// compiles the file using clang
    NSTask* compileTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
    NSString* clangPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"clang" ofType:@"" inDirectory:@"Tools/bin/"];
    [compileTask setLaunchPath:clangPath];
    [compileTask setArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"-c",concatenate3(fromDirectoryPath, fileName, @".m"),
                           //    macosxSDKPath,
                               concatenate3(toDirectoryPath, fileName, @".o"),
    NSPipe* errorPipe = [[NSPipe alloc] init];
    NSFileHandle* errorReader = [errorPipe fileHandleForReading];
    [compileTask setStandardError:errorPipe];
    [compileTask launch];
    [compileTask waitUntilExit];
    NSString*  errorString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[errorReader readDataToEndOfFile]
    if ([errorString length] != 0)
        NSLog(@"There was a Compilation error: %@", errorString);
        return errorString;
    return @"";

- (BOOL)linkScriptFiles:(NSString*)theScriptName
    //   NSLog(@"IN LoadScript: linkScriptFiles:");
    NSString *applicationSupportDirectoryPath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] applicationSupportDirectory];
    NSString* temporaryFilesDirectoryName = concatenate(applicationSupportDirectoryPath, @"/ImitateScriptSystem/TemporaryFiles/");
    NSString* linkResult = [self linkTheScriptFilesToScriptName:theScriptName
   if (![linkResult isEqualToString:@""])
        if (searchOfString(@"error", linkResult) != -1 || searchOfString(@"Error", linkResult) != -1 || searchOfString(@"ERROR", linkResult) != -1)
            NSLog(@"CASE 1 LINK ERROR");
            return NO;
        else if (searchOfString(@"warning", linkResult) != -1 || searchOfString(@"Warning", linkResult) != -1 || searchOfString(@"WARNING", linkResult) != -1)
            NSLog(@"CASE 2 LINK WARNING");
            return YES;
            NSLog(@"CASE 3 UNKNOWN LINK PROBLEM");
            return NO;
    return YES;

- (NSString*)linkTheScriptFilesToScriptName:(NSString*)theScriptName intoDirectory:(NSString*)dir
// links the file using clang
   NSString *applicationSupportDirectoryPath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] applicationSupportDirectory];
    NSString* temporaryFilesDirectoryName = concatenate(applicationSupportDirectoryPath, @"/ImitateScriptSystem/TemporaryFiles/");
    NSTask* linkTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
    NSString* clangPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"clang" ofType:@"" inDirectory:@"Tools/bin/"];
     [linkTask setLaunchPath:clangPath];
     [linkTask setArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                            concatenate3(temporaryFilesDirectoryName, theScriptName, @".o"),
                            concatenate(@"-F", temporaryFilesDirectoryName),
                            concatenate(dir, theScriptName),
    NSPipe* errorPipe = [[NSPipe alloc] init];
    NSFileHandle* errorReader = [errorPipe fileHandleForReading];
    [linkTask setStandardError:errorPipe];
    [linkTask launch];
    [linkTask waitUntilExit];
    NSString*  errorString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[errorReader readDataToEndOfFile]
    if ([errorString length] != 0)
        NSLog(@"There was a linking error: %@", errorString);
        if ((searchOfString(@"error", errorString) != -1) ||
            (searchOfString(@"ERROR", errorString) != -1))
            return errorString;
            return @""; // ALLOW WARNINGS.
        return errorString;
    return @"";

NSString* concatenate(NSString* x, NSString* y)
    if (!x && !y) return @"";
    else if(!x) return y;
    else if (!y) return x;
    return [x stringByAppendingString:y];

NSString* concatenate3(NSString* x, NSString* y, NSString* z)
    if (!x) x = @"";
    if (!y) y = @"";
    if (!z) z = @"";
    return [[x stringByAppendingString:y] stringByAppendingString:z];

NSString* concatenate4(NSString* w, NSString* x, NSString* y, NSString* z)
    if (!x) x = @"";
    if (!y) y = @"";
    if (!z) z = @"";
    if (!w) w = @"";
    return [[[w stringByAppendingString:x] stringByAppendingString:y] stringByAppendingString:z];

int searchOfString(NSString* x, NSString* str)
//searches for x within str, if not found returns -1
//otherwise returns its location.
    if ((int)[str length] == 0) return -1;
    if ((int)[x length] > (int)[str length]) return -1;
    NSRange myRange = [str rangeOfString:x];
    if (myRange.location != NSNotFound)
        return (int)myRange.location;
    else return -1;


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