[llvm-dev] flags to reproduce clang -O3 with opt -O3

Chad Verbowski via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 2 20:00:14 PDT 2020


My intent is to reduce the overall compile time by eliminating unused

Do you happen to know if there is a list somewhere (or a way to dump /
extract them) of the individual flags which llc uses as part of -O3, so I
can perhaps experiment with removing the unnecessary ones for my code?

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:55 PM Mehdi AMINI <joker.eph at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:50 PM Chad Verbowski <chad at verbowski.com> wrote:
>> Awesome, thanks!
>> I'd like to have the  last step (llc in your example) not perform
>> additional optimization passes, such as O3, and simply use the O3 pass from
>> opt in the previous line.
>> Do you happen to know if I should use 'llc -O0 foo_o.bc -o foo.exe'
>> instead to achieve this?
> No you should use `llc -O3`: this is controlling only the backend part of
> the pipeline.
>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 6:35 PM Mehdi AMINI <joker.eph at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 2:28 PM Chad Verbowski via llvm-dev <
>>> llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've been trying to figure out how to reproduce the results of a single
>>>> clang -O3 compilation to a binary with a multi-step process using opt.
>>>> Specifically I have:
>>>> clang -O3 foo.c -o foo.exe
>>>> which I want to replicate with:
>>>> clang -O0 -c -emit-llvm foo.c
>>> Using O0 will mark every function in the IR with "optnone" which
>>> prevents `opt` from optimizing it. I'd try `clang -O3  -Xclang
>>> -disable-llvm-passes -c -emit-llvm foo.c`
>>>> opt -O3 foo.bc -o foo_o.bc
>>>> clang foo_o.bc -o foo.exe
>>> This last step won't enable optimizations in the backend, you likely
>>> should try `llc -O3` instead.
>>> Best,
>>> --
>>> Mehdi
>>>> Any hints / suggestions on what additional flags I need to produce the
>>>> same binary are greatly appreciated!
>>>> *What I've tried:*
>>>> I've been reading the archives, and found this
>>>> <http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2017-September/117144.html>,
>>>> which suggests dumping the pass arguments using:
>>>> clang -mllvm -debug-pass=Structure -O3 foo.c -o foo.exe
>>>> and comparing with:
>>>> clang -mllvm -debug-pass=Structure -O0 -c -emit-llvm foo.c
>>>> opt -debug-pass=Structure -O3 foo.bc -o foo_o.bc
>>>> clang -mllvm -debug-pass=Structure foo_o.bc -o foo.exe
>>>> The first has 30 "Pass Argument" statements though only these 5 are
>>>> distinct. Across these 5 there are 190 distinct flags.  The multi-step
>>>> compilation has only 140 distinct flags. Comparing the flags, 18 from the
>>>> multi-step are missing in the 1pass, and 67 from 1pass are missing in the
>>>> multistep.
>>>> These appear to be opt flags, since they cause an error when trying to
>>>> use them with clang (e.g. -x86-fixup-LEAs) and when used with opt
>>>> causes a crash with stack dump and request to submit a bug report. Others
>>>> like -attributor appear to work with opt.
>>>> I'm currently blindly trying to add the 67 different flags to the opt
>>>> step to see which work, and hopefully that subset will produce the same
>>>> result as clang -O3.
>>>> It seems like there must be an easier / more exact way of getting the
>>>> opt -O3 multi-step to match the clang -O3 result.
>>>> Any thoughts or insights are appreciated. Below is a sorted list of the
>>>> flags missing from each for completeness.
>>>> not contained in 1pass O3 (count=18)
>>>> -aa-scalar-evolution
>>>> -always-inline
>>>> -callsite-splitting
>>>> -inject-tli-mappings
>>>> -ipsccp
>>>> -jump-threading-correlated-propagation
>>>> -livedebugvalues
>>>> -loops-loop-simplify
>>>> -memdep-lazy-branch-prob
>>>> -openmpopt
>>>> -opt-remark-emitter-instcombine
>>>> -regallocfast
>>>> -speculative-execution
>>>> -stackmap-liveness
>>>> -tbaa-scoped-noalias
>>>> -vector-combine
>>>> -verify
>>>> -write-bitcode
>>>> not contained in multi O3 (count=67)
>>>> -attributor
>>>> -block-freq-loop-simplify
>>>> -branch-folder
>>>> -break-false-deps
>>>> -callsite-splitting-ipsccp
>>>> -codegenprepare
>>>> -consthoist
>>>> -dead-mi-elimination
>>>> -detect-dead-lanes
>>>> -early-ifcvt
>>>> -early-machinelicm
>>>> -early-tailduplication
>>>> -expandmemcmp
>>>> -greedy
>>>> -interleaved-access
>>>> -iv-users
>>>> -lazy-block-freq-opt-remark-emitter
>>>> -livedebugvars
>>>> -liveintervals
>>>> -liveregmatrix
>>>> -livestacks
>>>> -livevars
>>>> -loop-reduce
>>>> -loop-simplify-lcssa-verification
>>>> -lrshrink
>>>> -machine-block-freq
>>>> -machine-combiner
>>>> -machine-cp
>>>> -machine-cse
>>>> -machinedomtree-machine-loops
>>>> -machinelicm
>>>> -machine-loops
>>>> -machinepostdomtree
>>>> -machinepostdomtree-block-placement
>>>> -machine-scheduler
>>>> -machine-sink
>>>> -machine-trace-metrics
>>>> -mergeicmps
>>>> -objc-arc-contract
>>>> -opt-phis
>>>> -partially-inline-libcalls
>>>> -peephole-opt
>>>> -postra-machine-sink
>>>> -post-RA-sched
>>>> -processimpdefs
>>>> -reaching-deps-analysis
>>>> -rename-independent-subregs
>>>> -shrink-wrap
>>>> -simple-register-coalescing
>>>> -slotindexes
>>>> -spill-code-placement
>>>> -stack-coloring
>>>> -stackmap-liveness-livedebugvalues
>>>> -stack-slot-coloring
>>>> -tailduplication
>>>> -unreachable-mbb-elimination
>>>> -virtregmap
>>>> -virtregrewriter
>>>> -x86-avoid-SFB
>>>> -x86-cf-opt
>>>> -x86-cmov-conversion
>>>> -x86-domain-reassignment
>>>> -x86-evex-to-vex-compress
>>>> -x86-execution-domain-fix
>>>> -x86-fixup-bw-insts
>>>> -x86-fixup-LEAs
>>>> -x86-optimize-LEAs
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