[llvm-dev] RISC-V disassembly doesn't seem to know about multiply instructions

Pieter Kapsenberg via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 29 18:56:50 PST 2020

I built llvm + clang from source, a github clone from today:
clang version 11.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git

I compiled a small program:

#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
  uint8_t a = 2;
  uint8_t b = 5;
  uint8_t c = a * b;

$ clang -c -target riscv32 -march=rv32imc -g main.c
Works fine.

The dumped assembly seems to not know about the multiply instruction - is
that expected? See offset 1e in the listing below. Happily, the opcode
value does appear to match the MUL instruction.

$ llvm-objdump -S main.o

main.o: file format ELF32-riscv

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 .text:
warning: 'main.o': failed to parse debug information for main.o
       0: 01 00                         nop

00000002 main:
; int main() {
       2: 41 11                         addi    sp, sp, -16
       4: 06 c6                         sw      ra, 12(sp)
       6: 22 c4                         sw      s0, 8(sp)
       8: 00 08                         addi    s0, sp, 16
       a: 09 45                         addi    a0, zero, 2
;   uint8_t a = 2;
       c: a3 0b a4 fe                   sb      a0, -9(s0)
      10: 15 45                         addi    a0, zero, 5
;   uint8_t b = 5;
      12: 23 0b a4 fe                   sb      a0, -10(s0)
;   uint8_t c = a * b;
      16: 03 05 74 ff                   lb      a0, -9(s0)
      1a: 83 05 64 ff                   lb      a1, -10(s0)
      1e: 33 05 b5 02                   *<unknown>*
      22: a3 0a a4 fe                   sb      a0, -11(s0)
      26: 01 45                         mv      a0, zero
; }
      28: 22 44                         lw      s0, 8(sp)
      2a: b2 40                         lw      ra, 12(sp)
      2c: 41 01                         addi    sp, sp, 16
      2e: 82 80                         ret
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