[llvm-dev] [cfe-dev] Phabricator -> GitHub PRs?

David Greene via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 23 11:36:25 PST 2020

Fedor Sergeev via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> writes:

> Do we have a good reason to believe that LLVM as  a community has
> enough weight to nudge Github to really improve on these two points?

I think we have reason to at least try.  They've implemented other stuff
for us.

> If yes, then can we start moving there? File bugs or whatnot...  It
> would be a very nontrivial effort for me to even describe the problem
> in comprehensible (and non-offensive ;)  way, so I know I'm asking
> somebody else to do the hard job.

My guess is someone with greater public visibility/clout than myself
filing bugs and pushing this along would make better progress.

So yeah, I know I'm also asking someone else to do the hard job.  But I
am happy to help in any way I can.

I did find these.  This is an unofficial issue tracker for github.com.
The official way to communicate is apparently e-mailing
support at github.com, which is not very great.  People who send the e-mail
are also posting to this issue tracker so others know what has been sent
and whether there have been any responses from GitHub.

Ability to approve each commit in a PR

Do not auto dismiss PR comments on code change
Partially addressed:

Mark pull request as depending on another
Some workarounds:
And maybe official support:


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