[llvm-dev] Bootstrapping clang

Evandro Menezes via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 24 13:57:55 PST 2020

I'd like to try to bootstrap a native build of clang using the instructions at https://llvm.org/docs/AdvancedBuilds.html#bootstrap-builds.  From what I read, it seems to take care of the bootstrap without manually invoking each step explicitly, as I've been doing.

It's not clear to me if it assumes a normal build before, the first stage, without using any cmake cache file or not.  I attempted using the cmake cache files clang/cmake/caches/DistributionExample{,-stage2}.cmake, but the resulting clang does not use the run-times, even after trying to tweak them a little.

Is there any primer on how to bootstrap clang this way? or any pointer would do, actually.

Thank you,

Evandro Menezes ◊ SiFive ◊ Austin, TX

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