[llvm-dev] [RFC] Propeller: A frame work for Post Link Optimizations

Rahman Lavaee via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 10 11:13:29 PST 2020

I respond with regards to "unwind tables" and "code layout".

WIth regards to "unwind tables", the idea of splitting call-sites tables
has been implemented in D73739.
I think "asynchronous unwind tables" are already supported by our patch
(Meaning that the unwind tables are precise at instruction boundary).
Please let us know if you believe otherwise.

* An algorithm to the extended travelling salesman problem looks fancy.
>    It also introduced a bunch of parameters. Have other ordering
> approaches been considered?

The Extended-TSP algorithm is published in https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.04676 and
shows a speedup improvement of about 0.7% compared to TSP (on Clang), which
I confirmed independently.
The general idea of considering jump distance in the layout decision is
ubiquitous (https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3302516.3307358 (codestitcher),
https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/3049832.3049858 (hfsort) ).
We have considered other ordering approaches such as pettis-hansen and
codestitcher (both of which are  based on TSP) and we have found Ext-TSP to
be the best.
You can also refer to the codestitcher and ext-TSP paper for more extensive

Let me point out that although the formulation of ext-TSP is more involved
than TSP, the heuristic algorithm that is used to solve it is essentially
the same as the one for TSP. It's an incremental changing algorithm aimed
at maximizing the gain in the score at each step.

On the other hand, most of the complication in the algorithm is caused by
split-and-remerge (guided by -propeller-chain-split-threshold) which is
highly beneficial for escaping local optima, resulting in 2% more
performance improvement. The original ext-TSP work sets the split threshold
at 128 bytes, while we can achieve better speedup by setting it to
1024bytes, without sacrificing the complication time (The whole reordering
algorithm takes about 4 seconds on clang).

   I am concerned that the raw ELF fields (like sh_size) are used for
>    heuristics. It seems to try reconstructing some information about
>    Machine{Function,BasicBlock,Instr,...} about doing that in the
>    Machine* stage may just be simpler and more accurate.

Yes. Basic block (binary) sizes are used to compute the binary distance for
jumps in the final layout (as used by the ext-TSP algorithm). We can
currently get this information both from the object code (sections), or the
BB symbol sizes (propagated through the propeller profile). Getting
this information in the machine stage is not as accurate and convenient.
For instance, StackMapShadowTracker has been implemented in llvm to count
the instruction bytes after the last StackMap and it shares some code
between different classes (X86AsmPrinter and X86MCInstLower).

> We feel that the available optimizations may be limited. The lld focused
> implementation may have some improvement in the near term but the
> benefits will dilute quickly when the Machine{Function,BasicBlock}
> interfaces get improved.
> Also, doing heavy-lifting work on the linker side:
> Needs non-trivial work to port to another binary format.  Another target
> may be a very different story. (Even for x86-64, I see the patches
> attend to address R_X86_64_PC8/R_X86_64_PC32/R_X86_64_PLT32 calls, but
> the two relocation types are not handled.)
> The newly lld/ELF code overlaps with jobs of
> MachineBlockPlacement/BranchFolding/AsmPrinter/etc.
> If the current MachineFunction interface is not flexible (e.g. it does
> not allow sharable MachineBasicBlocks between MachineFunctions.) enough,
> let's fix it.
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