[llvm-dev] Dynamic recompilation with ORC JIT API

Lang Hames via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 7 13:08:58 PST 2020

Hi Sebastiano,

What I want to do now is to trigger the recompilation of a specific
> class method (i.e., function in the IR Module), and perform some IR
> transformations before the function is compiled. Then, I would like to
> point the old function to the new version (through the
> IndirectStubManager).
> The questions are:
> 1. How can I trigger the re-optimization and re-compilation from the
> existing ExecutionSession? Is there a method in the
> CompileOnDemandLayer that allows it?

There is no off-the-shelf support for this yet. The usual solution is to
use an IR pass to insert a counter for each unoptimized function and a
corresponding increment / check in the function entry block. I.e.:

define void @foo() {
  ; ...
  ret void


@foo_counter = global i64 0

declare void @optimize_function(i8 *)

define void @foo() {
  %counter = load i64, i64* @foo_counter
  %counter.1 = add i64 counter, 1
  store i64 %counter.1, i64* @foo_counter
  %should_optimize_foo = icmp eq i64 %counter.1, 1000
  br i1 %should_optimize_foo, label %optimize, label %old_entry
  call void @optimize_function(i8* bitcast (void ()* @foo to i8*))
  br label %old_entry

  ; ...
  ret void

Then you would implement *optimize_function* directly in your JIT process
and make it available to JIT'd code (either by reflecting process symbols
using a DynamicLibrarySearchGenerator, or by adding it using an
absoluteSymbols call). You can use the address passed to *optimize_function* to
identify the function to be optimized. You will also need to give the
function a new name (e.g. foo_optimized) to avoid name clashes.

2. Do I need to "manually" update the trampoline through the
> IndirectStubManager, or it is automatically done once the new function
> is compiled?

Yes: In optimize_function you should look up the address of foo_optimized,
then use the IndirectStubManager to update the stub with:
ISM.updatePointer("foo", foo_optimized_address);

There are a couple of gotchas here:

(1) You'll need to set up different compilers for your optimized and
unoptimized functions. There are a few ways that you can do that, but one
of the easiest would be to create your own IRCompileLayer (copying the
existing code -- it's quite short) and then inspect the names of the
functions being passed. If it ends in "_optimized" you turn the
optimization level up.

(2) The updatePointer method uses linker mangled names. On Linux these are
the same as the C / LLVM-IR function names, but on macOS you have to add an
underscore prefix, and on Windows there are a couple of different prefix

This is just a rough overview, but I'm happy to help with any more specific
questions as they come up. Also, in the future I'd love to see ORC grow
some off-the-shelf support for this, so if you're ever interested in
working on that please let me know.


On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 9:25 AM Sebastiano Miano via llvm-dev <
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am recently playing a little bit with the ORC JIT APIs with the goal
> of creating a prototype of a JIT compiler that loads the IR module of
> a C++ class, compiles it and instantiates the class.
> During the execution, I would like to replace some class methods by
> recompiling them with an optimized version.
> I have started from the latest version of the KaleidoscopeJIT, using
> the CompileOnDemandLayer to perform a lazy compilation of the class.
> I have managed successfully to load the code and instantiate the
> object, by getting the pointer of a "factory" method in the IR Module
> that returns the object itself.
> What I want to do now is to trigger the recompilation of a specific
> class method (i.e., function in the IR Module), and perform some IR
> transformations before the function is compiled. Then, I would like to
> point the old function to the new version (through the
> IndirectStubManager).
> The questions are:
> 1. How can I trigger the re-optimization and re-compilation from the
> existing ExecutionSession? Is there a method in the
> CompileOnDemandLayer that allows it?
> 2. Do I need to "manually" update the trampoline through the
> IndirectStubManager, or it is automatically done once the new function
> is compiled?
> Thanks a lot,
> Sebastiano
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