[llvm-dev] libfuzzer: Functionality of coverage/feature feedback

Kostya Serebryany via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 28 12:46:59 PDT 2020

Hi Mark Leon!

On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 1:54 AM Giraud, Mark Leon via llvm-dev <
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Hello fellow developers,
> I'm currently working on my master thesis with stateful fuzzing of server
> and embedded software as topic (Aflnet for example fuzzes server software.
> I'm looking for ways to extend and improve their approach).
> I have some questions regarding the fuzzer runtime:
>    1. If i understood the code correctly, there are multiple parts to the
>    instrumentation: The PC tables, the 8 bit counters, and all the comparison
>    hooks. I'm not quite sure what the difference between the pc tables and the
>    8 bit counters is. Shouldn't the information of the pc table be contained
>    in the 8 bit counters?
pc table is a static (immutable) table that maps the 8 bit counters to the
8 bit counters are what is actually used to collect the coverage feedback.

>    1. For my planned addition i need to run the callback multiple times,
>    and reset the coverage information (i.e. the pc tables and 8 bit counters?)
>    before each execution,
8 bit counters.
libFuzzer resets them after each iteration anyway.

>    1. such that i get the coverage that the input produces on its own. Do
>    you have any pointers, on where to change the fuzzer rt, or would i need to
>    do some additional instrumentation (I'd like to avoid this, since each
>    additional instrumentation pass would mean more code and thus more
>    execution time) in order to not mess with the way the fuzzer works right
>    now? The optimal case would be that there is one overarching pc table that
>    has the information across runs, and one table that is reset before each
>    run. After the run, the table is then merged into the main table. (I think
>    afl does something like this?)
libFuzzer also works in a very similar way.
Check TracePC::CollectFeatures

>    1. Is there any functionality to set up the target and then fork from
>    that initial state in order to avoid setting up the target each fuzz
>    iteration, or is that not possible, since we are doing in-process fuzzing?
Currently there is no such functionality in libFuzzer.
Someone recently posted a request to add such, but that's all I know.

> I'm looking forward to any input on this.
> Best Regards,
> Mark
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