[llvm-dev] Looking for suggestions: Inferring GPU memory accesses

Madhur Amilkanthwar via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sun Aug 23 23:40:34 PDT 2020

I don't have any concrete cases off the top of my head, but work Johannes
et al. is definitely interesting to me. I hope doing some more literature
survey on the similar lines would be useful for your research work. I think
research work who cited our work developed on some of the ideas we
proposed. You can probably look at those use cases.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 1:03 AM Ees <kayesg42 at gmail.com> wrote:

> @Madhur Thank you i will have a look at the paper.
> > Doing such analysis would be useful for a thread block and not just a
> single thread
> Do you have any concrete use cases in mind?
> I was thinking that i could use such an analysis to, for instance,
> visualize the memory accesses performed by the kernel (or at least the ones
> that it is possible to infer). Relevant literature i find always involves
> tracing every access. So I'm thinking that with something like this,
> tracing can be (potentially) significantly reduced.
> -Ees
> On 23-08-2020 19:43, Madhur Amilkanthwar wrote:
> @Ees,
> Oh, I see what you mean now. Doing such analysis would be useful for a
> thread block and not just a single thread but as you say you are onto
> something bigger than just a thread.
> We had published a short paper in ICS around this which uses polyhedral
> techniques to do such analysis and reason about uncoalesced access patterns
> in Cuda programs. You can find paper at
> https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2464996.2467288
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2020, 11:00 PM Johannes Doerfert via llvm-dev <
> llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> Hi Ees,
>> a while back we started a project with similar scope.
>> Unfortunately the development slowed down and the plans to revive it
>> this summer got tanked by the US travel restrictions.
>> Anyway, there is some some existing code that might be useful, though in
>> a prototype stage. While I'm obviously biased, I would suggest we
>> continue from there.
>> @Alex @Holger can we put the latest version on github or some other
>> place to share it, I'm unsure if the code I (might have) access to is
>> the latest.
>> @Ees I attached a recent paper and you might find the following links
>> useful:
>>     * 2017 LLVM Developers’ Meeting: J. Doerfert “Polyhedral Value &
>> Memory Analysis ” https://youtu.be/xSA0XLYJ-G0
>>     * "Automated Partitioning of Data-Parallel Kernels using Polyhedral
>> Compilation.", P2S2 2020 (slides and video
>> https://www.mcs.anl.gov/events/workshops/p2s2/2020/program.php)
>> Let us know what you think :)
>> ~ Johannes
>> On 8/22/20 9:38 AM, Ees Kee via llvm-dev wrote:
>>  > Hi all,
>>  >
>>  > As part of my research I want to investigate the relation between the
>>  > grid's geometry and the memory accesses of a kernel in common gpu
>>  > benchmarks (e.g Rodinia, Polybench etc). As a first step i want to
>>  > answer the following question:
>>  >
>>  > - Given a kernel function with M possible memory accesses. For how
>> many of
>>  > those M accesses we can statically infer its location given concrete
>> values
>>  > for the grid/block and executing thread?
>>  >
>>  > (Assume CUDA only for now)
>>  >
>>  > My initial idea is to replace all uses of dim-related values, e.g:
>>  >     __cuda_builtin_blockDim_t::__fetch_builtin_x()
>>  >     __cuda_builtin_gridDim_t::__fetch_builtin_x()
>>  >
>>  > and index related values, e.g:
>>  >     __cuda_builtin_blockIdx_t::__fetch_builtin_x()
>>  >     __cuda_builtin_threadIdx_t::__fetch_builtin_x()
>>  >
>>  > with ConstantInts. Then run constant folding on the result and check
>> how
>>  > many GEPs have constant values.
>>  >
>>  > Would something like this work or are there complications I am not
>> thinking
>>  > of? I'd appreciate any suggestions.
>>  >
>>  > P.S i am new to LLVM
>>  >
>>  > Thanks in advance,
>>  > Ees
>>  >
>>  >
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*Disclaimer: Views, concerns, thoughts, questions, ideas expressed in this
mail are of my own and my employer has no take in it. *
Thank You.
Madhur D. Amilkanthwar
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