[llvm-dev] A libc in LLVM
Siva Chandra via llvm-dev
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 19 08:25:40 PDT 2019
On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 11:49 PM Mehdi AMINI <joker.eph at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> What happened since you committed the doc? Is this now graduated from a "proposal to start a project" to a project?
I think it has now.
> Is there any update to be made to the doc: http://llvm.org/docs//Proposals/LLVMLibC.html ?
Not sure what kind of update you have in mind. However, I am in the
process of preparing the first patch containing some design docs and
small illustrative implementations. I should have it out by the end of
the day today or tomorrow.
> Thanks,
> --
> Mehdi
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 3:05 PM Siva Chandra via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> I would like to announce that we now have dedicated mailing lists for the llvm-libc project:
>> 1. libc-dev - https://lists.llvm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/libc-dev
>> 2. libc-commits - https://lists.llvm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/libc-commits
>> A brief README.txt and LICENSE.txt have been added: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/master/libc
>> I will soon share or put out design docs and code for review, as suitable.
>> Thanks,
>> Siva Chandra
>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 11:23 AM Siva Chandra <sivachandra at google.com> wrote:
>>> Hello again,
>>> I have now committed a proposal for this new libc:
>>> https://reviews.llvm.org/D64939. This proposal is based on the charter
>>> I shared previously (see below).
>>> Though it is now committed, if there are any concerns still, I am open
>>> to iterating until the community in general is satisfied with the
>>> proposal.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Siva Chandra
>>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 8:15 AM Siva Chandra <sivachandra at google.com> wrote:
>>> > "llvm-libc" C Standard Library
>>> > ========================
>>> >
>>> > llvm-libc is an implementation of the C standard library targeting C11
>>> > and above. It also provides platform specific extensions as relevant.
>>> > For example, on Linux it also provides pthreads, librt and other POSIX
>>> > extension libraries.
>>> >
>>> > Documentation
>>> > ============
>>> >
>>> > The llvm-libc project is still in the planning phase. Stay tuned for
>>> > updates soon.
>>> >
>>> > Features and Goals
>>> > ================
>>> >
>>> > * C11 and upwards conformant.
>>> > * A modular libc with individual pieces implemented in the "as a
>>> > library" philosophy of the LLVM project.
>>> > * Ability to layer this libc over the system libc.
>>> > * Provide C symbols as specified by the standards, but take advantage
>>> > and use C++ language facilities for the core implementation.
>>> > * Provides POSIX extensions on POSIX compliant platforms.
>>> > * Provides system-specific extensions as appropriate. For example,
>>> > provides the Linux API on Linux.
>>> > * Vendor extensions if and only if necessary.
>>> > * Designed and developed from the start to work with LLVM tooling and
>>> > testing like fuzz testing and sanitizer-supported testing.
>>> > * ABI independent implementation as far as possible.
>>> > * Use source based implementations as far possible rather than
>>> > assembly. Will try to “fix” the compiler rather than use assembly
>>> > language workarounds.
>>> >
>>> > Why a new C Standard Library?
>>> > =========================
>>> >
>>> > Implementing a libc is no small task and is not be taken lightly. A
>>> > natural question to ask is, "why a new implementation of the C
>>> > standard library?" There is no single answer to this question, but
>>> > some of the major reasons are as follows:
>>> >
>>> > * Most libc implementations are monolithic. It is a non-trivial
>>> > porting task to pick and choose only the pieces relevant to one's
>>> > platform. The new libc will be developed with sufficient modularity to
>>> > make picking and choosing a straightforward task.
>>> > * Most libc implementations break when built with sanitizer specific
>>> > compiler options. The new libc will be developed from the start to
>>> > work with those specialized compiler options.
>>> > * The new libc will be developed to support and employ fuzz testing
>>> > from the start.
>>> > * Most libc implementations use a good amount of assembly language,
>>> > and assume specific ABIs (may be platform dependent). With the new
>>> > libc implementation, we want to use normal source code as much as
>>> > possible so that compiler-based changes to the ABI are easy. Moreover,
>>> > as part of the LLVM project, we want to use this opportunity to fix
>>> > performance related compiler bugs rather than using assembly
>>> > workarounds.
>>> > * A large hole in the llvm toolchain will be plugged with this new
>>> > libc. With the broad platform expertise in the LLVM community, and the
>>> > strong license and project structure, we think that the new libc will
>>> > be more tunable and robust, without sacrificing the simplicity and
>>> > accessibility typical of the LLVM project.
>>> >
>>> > Platform Support
>>> > ==============
>>> >
>>> > llvm-libc development is still in the planning phase. However, we
>>> > envision that it will support a variety of platforms in the coming
>>> > years. Interested parties are encouraged to participate in the design
>>> > and implementation, and add support for their favorite platforms.
>>> >
>>> > Current Status
>>> > ============
>>> >
>>> > llvm-libc development is still in the planning phase.
>>> >
>>> > Build Bots
>>> > =========
>>> >
>>> > Coming soon.
>>> >
>>> > Get involved!
>>> > ===========
>>> >
>>> > First please review our Developer's Policy. Stay tuned for llvm-libc
>>> > specific information.
>>> >
>>> > Design Documents
>>> > ===============
>>> >
>>> > Coming soon.
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