[llvm-dev] Where and how to report an optimisation issue that doesn't cause a crash

David Blaikie via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 29 11:45:53 PDT 2019

I don't think there's any particular set of recommendations for this
specific missed optimization/issue - are you working in an environment
where memory reads are exceptionally expensive (in comparison to all the
other things that a compiler might optimize code for & might not do so
perfectly (no compiler's perfect, even within the bounds of the language
and non-standard extensions))? I think this falls under the general bucket
of "write code" -> "optimize code". Use profilers, find the hot spots, look
at the code to see if you can make it algorithmically better, look at the
machine code if it comes to that & see if you can tweak the source to get
the assembly you want, or hand-write portions, etc.

2) I'm guessing it's work-in-progress and might not be
production-ready/tested yet

‪On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 10:57 AM ‫אלכס לופ'‬‎ <alex_lop at walla.com> wrote:‬

> So I have a couple of question regarding the approach provided by Chill.
> 1. How to prevent such memory re-reads in the future? Is there any BKM
> (best known method) for programming guidelines which could eliminate or
> reduce those re-reads?
> 2. What could be the downside of the flag -Xclang -new-struct-path-tbaa?
> Why not using it by default if it makes better aliasing analysis?
> Thanks,
> Alex.
> ב אוק׳ 28, 2019 12:33, Ivan Kosarev כתב:
> It's just that the work on the new TBAA machinery is not completed and we
> do not have all the required logic for the new representation in place.
> On 27/10/2019 20:23, אלכס לופ' wrote:
> "...The idea behind the new representation was to address existing
> limitations by giving the TBAA accurate information about accesses. If
> memory servers me, in this specific case of an unknown index, the tag shall
> refer to the whole member array, which is supposed to mean that all and any
> of its elements can actually be accessed."
> So what about this case https://godbolt.org/z/xFC4Rp :
> struct S {
>     int a[256];
>     int b;
> };
> int f(struct S *p, unsigned char i) {
>     if (p->b)
>         return42;
>     p->a[i] = 3;
>     return p->b;
> }
> "p->b" is re-read althoug the index "i" cannot acces beyond the array
> boundary. What went wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Alex.
> ב אוק׳ 27, 2019 17:47, Ivan Kosarev כתב:
> Hi Momchil,
> > That seems like something that Clang can do by itself for access
> > tags for index expressions with member arrays: state that they
> > access the offset in the struct that corresponds to the first
> > array element, so unknown indices would still conservatively
> > alias between each other, but not with other struct members.
> Then all by-known-index array accesses would need to be encoded as if
> there were accessing the first element, wouldn't they? The idea behind the
> new representation was to address existing limitations by giving the TBAA
> accurate information about accesses. If memory servers me, in this specific
> case of an unknown index, the tag shall refer to the whole member array,
> which is supposed to mean that all and any of its elements can actually be
> accessed.
> --
> Regards,
> Ivan
> On 26/10/2019 23:39, Momchil Velikov via llvm-dev wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.  If you suspect potential phishing or spam email,
> report it to ReportSpam at accesssoftek.com
> Using the shorter test case:
>     struct S {
>       int a[3];
>       int b;
>     };
>     int f(struct S *p, int i) {
>       if (p->b)
>         return 42;
>       p->a[i] = 3;
>       return p->b;
>     }
> one can see that the the TBAA metadata loses information about the array
> member:
>     !4 = !{!"S", !5, i64 0, !7, i64 12}
>     !5 = !{!"omnipotent char", !6, i64 0}
> The "new struct path TBAA" looks better, it seems to say "there are 12
> bytes of
> `int`s at offset 0 in struct S"
> (Command line was ./bin/clang -target armv7m-eabi -O2 -S y.c -emit-llvm
> -Xclang
> -new-struct-path-tbaa)
>     !3 = !{!4, !7, i64 12, i64 4}
>     !4 = !{!5, i64 16, !"S", !7, i64 0, i64 12, !7, i64 12, i64 4}
>     !5 = !{!6, i64 1, !"omnipotent char"}
>     !6 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
>     !7 = !{!5, i64 4, !"int"}
>     !8 = !{!7, !7, i64 0, i64 4}
> but then, the access tag for the store to the array
>     %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds %struct.S, %struct.S* %p, i32 0,
> i32 0, i32 %i
>     store i32 3, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !8
> says just "it's in int" and there it still a redundant load:
>     f:
>         ldr     r2, [r0, #12]
>         cmp     r2, #0
>         itt     ne
>         movne   r0, #42
>         bxne    lr
>         movs    r2, #3
>         str.w   r2, [r0, r1, lsl #2]
>         ldr     r0, [r0, #12]
>         bx      lr
> So, I manually hacked the metadata too look like:
>     !8 = !{!4, !7, i64 0, i64 4}
> i.e. as if we access the first element of the array.
> Running that through `opt -O2` and `llc` yields:
>     f:
>         ldr     r2, [r0, #12]
>         cmp     r2, #0
>         iteee   ne
>         movne   r0, #42
>         moveq   r2, #3
>         streq.w r2, [r0, r1, lsl #2]
>         moveq   r0, #0
>         bx      lr
> That seems like something that Clang can do by itself for access tags for
> index
> expressions with member arrays: state that they access the offset in the
> struct
> that corresponds to the first array element, so unknown indices would still
> conservatively alias between each other, but not with other struct members.
> Thoughts? Pitfalls? I may give it a shot.
> ~chill
> --
> Compiler scrub, Arm
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