[llvm-dev] gcc cannot read assembly produced by llc - back end bug or fundamental incompatibility

LLVM Mailing List via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 27 01:14:38 PDT 2019

Hi I’m having a problem with my back end.


; ModuleID = 'main_clean.ll'
source_filename = "main.ll"
target datalayout = "e-p:16:8-i8:8-i16:8-i32:8-i64:8-f32:8-f64:8-n8-a:8"
target triple = "avr-atmel-linux-gnueabihf"

%Ts5UInt8V = type <{ i8 }>
%Ts6UInt16V = type <{ i16 }>

@"$s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp" = hidden local_unnamed_addr global %Ts5UInt8V zeroinitializer, align 1
@"$s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp" = hidden local_unnamed_addr global %Ts6UInt16V zeroinitializer, align 2
@__swift_reflection_version = linkonce_odr hidden constant i16 3
@_swift1_autolink_entries = private constant [6 x i8] c"-lavr\00", section ".swift1_autolink_entries", align 2
@llvm.used = appending global [2 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i16* @__swift_reflection_version to i8*), i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8], [6 x i8]* @_swift1_autolink_entries, i32 0, i32 0)], section "llvm.metadata"

; Function Attrs: noreturn
define protected i16 @main(i16, i8** nocapture readnone) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
  %2 = tail call swiftcc i16 @"$s3AVR14slowAnalogRead3pins6UInt16Vs5UInt8V_tF"(i8 2)
  tail call swiftcc void @"$s3AVR7srandom4seedys6UInt16V_tF"(i16 %2)
  tail call swiftcc void @"$s3AVR11SetupSerial8baudRateys6UInt16V_tF"(i16 9600)
  %3 = tail call swiftcc i16 @"$s3AVR6randoms5Int16VyF"()
  store i8 0, i8* getelementptr inbounds (%Ts5UInt8V, %Ts5UInt8V* @"$s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp", i16 0, i32 0), align 1
  store i16 0, i16* getelementptr inbounds (%Ts6UInt16V, %Ts6UInt16V* @"$s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp", i16 0, i32 0), align 2
  tail call swiftcc void @"$s3AVR5print11unsignedInt10addNewlineys6UInt16V_SbtF"(i16 0, i1 true)
  tail call swiftcc void @"$s3AVR5print11unsignedInt10addNewlineys6UInt16V_SbtF"(i16 0, i1 true)
  br label %4

; <label>:4:                                      ; preds = %4, %entry
  tail call swiftcc void @"$s3AVR4wait2msys6UInt16V_tF"(i16 100)
  %5 = tail call swiftcc { i16, i16 } @"$s3AVR11longRandom4s5UInt8V5byte1_AD5byte2AD5byte3AD5byte4tyF"()
  %6 = extractvalue { i16, i16 } %5, 1
  %temp-coercion.coerced.sroa.5.2.extract.trunc = trunc i16 %6 to i8
  tail call swiftcc void @"$s3AVR5print15unsignedTinyInt10addNewlineys5UInt8V_SbtF"(i8 %temp-coercion.coerced.sroa.5.2.extract.trunc, i1 true)
  br label %4

declare swiftcc i16 @"$s3AVR14slowAnalogRead3pins6UInt16Vs5UInt8V_tF"(i8) local_unnamed_addr #1

declare swiftcc void @"$s3AVR7srandom4seedys6UInt16V_tF"(i16) local_unnamed_addr #1

declare swiftcc void @"$s3AVR11SetupSerial8baudRateys6UInt16V_tF"(i16) local_unnamed_addr #1

declare swiftcc i16 @"$s3AVR6randoms5Int16VyF"() local_unnamed_addr #1

declare swiftcc void @"$s3AVR5print11unsignedInt10addNewlineys6UInt16V_SbtF"(i16, i1) local_unnamed_addr #1

declare swiftcc void @"$s3AVR4wait2msys6UInt16V_tF"(i16) local_unnamed_addr #1

declare swiftcc { i16, i16 } @"$s3AVR11longRandom4s5UInt8V5byte1_AD5byte2AD5byte3AD5byte4tyF"() local_unnamed_addr #1

declare swiftcc void @"$s3AVR5print15unsignedTinyInt10addNewlineys5UInt8V_SbtF"(i8, i1) local_unnamed_addr #1

; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
define hidden swiftcc i16 @"$s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF"(i32) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
  ret i16 0

attributes #0 = { noreturn "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" }
attributes #1 = { "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" }
attributes #2 = { norecurse nounwind readnone "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" }

!swift.module.flags = !{!0}

!0 = !{!"standard-library", i1 false}

…produces this assembly when compiled with llc with the AVR back end…

	.file	"main.ll"
	.protected	main            ; -- Begin function main
	.globl	main
	.p2align	1
	.type	main, at function
main:                                   ; @main
; %bb.0:                                ; %entry
	push	r16
	push	r17
	ldi	r24, 2
	call	($s3AVR14slowAnalogRead3pins6UInt16Vs5UInt8V_tF)
	call	($s3AVR7srandom4seedys6UInt16V_tF)
	ldi	r24, 128
	ldi	r25, 37
	call	($s3AVR11SetupSerial8baudRateys6UInt16V_tF)
	call	($s3AVR6randoms5Int16VyF)
	ldi	r24, 0
	sts	($s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp), r24
	ldi	r16, 0
	ldi	r17, 0
	sts	($s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp)+1, r17
	sts	($s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp), r16
	movw	r24, r16
	ldi	r22, 1
	call	($s3AVR5print11unsignedInt10addNewlineys6UInt16V_SbtF)
	movw	r24, r16
	ldi	r22, 1
	call	($s3AVR5print11unsignedInt10addNewlineys6UInt16V_SbtF)
	ldi	r16, 100
	ldi	r17, 0
LBB0_1:                                 ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
	movw	r24, r16
	call	($s3AVR4wait2msys6UInt16V_tF)
	call	($s3AVR11longRandom4s5UInt8V5byte1_AD5byte2AD5byte3AD5byte4tyF)
                                        ; kill: def $r24 killed $r24 killed $r25r24
	ldi	r22, 1
	call	($s3AVR5print15unsignedTinyInt10addNewlineys5UInt8V_SbtF)
	rjmp	LBB0_1
	.size	main, .Lfunc_end0-main
                                        ; -- End function
	.hidden	$s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF ; -- Begin function $s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF
	.globl	$s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF
	.p2align	1
	.type	$s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF, at function
$s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF: ; @"$s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF"
; %bb.0:                                ; %entry
	ldi	r24, 0
	ldi	r25, 0
	.size	$s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF, .Lfunc_end1-($s4main13setServoAngle5angles6UInt16Vs6UInt32V_tF)
                                        ; -- End function
	.hidden	$s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp   ; @"$s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp"
	.type	$s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp, at object
	.section	.bss,"aw", at nobits
	.globl	$s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp
	.zero	1
	.size	$s4main3rads5UInt8Vvp, 1

	.hidden	$s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp  ; @"$s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp"
	.type	$s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp, at object
	.globl	$s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp
	.p2align	1
	.zero	2
	.size	$s4main3angs6UInt16Vvp, 2

	.hidden	__swift_reflection_version ; @__swift_reflection_version
	.type	__swift_reflection_version, at object
	.section	.rodata,"a", at progbits
	.weak	__swift_reflection_version
	.short	3                       ; 0x3
	.size	__swift_reflection_version, 2

	.type	_swift1_autolink_entries, at object ; @_swift1_autolink_entries
	.section	.swift1_autolink_entries,"a", at progbits
	.p2align	1
	.asciz	"-lavr"
	.size	_swift1_autolink_entries, 6

	; Declaring this symbol tells the CRT that it should
	;copy all variables from program memory to RAM on startup
	.globl	__do_copy_data
	; Declaring this symbol tells the CRT that it should
	;clear the zeroed data section on startup
	.globl	__do_clear_bss

…which gcc 7.3.0 cannot compile, giving errors like…

main.s: Assembler messages:
main.s:12: Error: missing ')'
main.s:12: Error: missing operand
main.s:12: Error: unknown opcode `s3avr14slo'
main.s:13: Error: missing ')'
main.s:13: Error: missing operand
main.s:13: Error: unknown opcode `s3avr7sran'
main.s:16: Error: missing ')'
main.s:16: Error: missing operand
main.s:16: Error: unknown opcode `s3avr11set'

I think the identifiers in the LLVM IR are getting garbled?  

I was expecting assembly code like…

call	"$s3AVR4wait2msys6UInt16V_tF"


	.zero	1

Is this a bug in the AVR back end or is LLVM llc supposed to do this?

Thanks for any advice/help you guys can give.

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