[llvm-dev] [RFC] A new multidimensional array indexing intrinsic

David Greene via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 24 19:33:36 PDT 2019

It's also very common in Fortran.


Michael Ferguson via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> writes:

>> It seems that the main advantage of your proposal is that it would
>> allow for non-constant strides (i.e. variable length arrays) in
>> dimensions other than the first one. Do these appear frequently
>> enough in the programs that you're interested in to be worth
>> optimizing for?
> Yes - at least in Chapel (which is one of the motivating languages)
> these are very common.
> In other words, typical Chapel programs use arrays with a size that is
> not fixed at compile time.
> Thanks,
> -michael
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 1:02 PM Peter Collingbourne via llvm-dev
> <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> The restrictions of this new intrinsic seem very similar to those of
>> the inrange attribute on GEPs. It seems that the main advantage of
>> your proposal is that it would allow for non-constant strides
>> (i.e. variable length arrays) in dimensions other than the first
>> one. Do these appear frequently enough in the programs that you're
>> interested in to be worth optimizing for?
>> Peter
>> On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 3:54 PM Siddharth Bhat via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We would like to begin discussions around a new set of intrinsics, to better express
>>> multi-dimensional array indexing within LLVM. The motivations and a possible design
>>> are sketched out below.
>>> Rendered RFC link here
>>> Raw markdown:
>>> # Introducing a new multidimensional array indexing intrinsic
>>> ## The request for change: A new intrinsic, `llvm.multidim.array.index.*`.
>>> We propose the addition of a new family of intrinsics, `llvm.multidim.array.index.*`.
>>> This will allow us to represent array indexing into an array `A[d1][d2][..][dk]`
>>> as `llvm.multidim.array.index.k A d1, d2, d3, ... dk` instead of flattening
>>> the information into `gep A, d1 * n1 + d2 * n2 + ... + dk * nk`. The former
>>> unflattened representation is advantageous for analysis and optimisation. It also
>>> allows us to represent array indexing semantics of languages such as Fortran
>>> and Chapel, which differs from that of C based array indexing.
>>> ## Motivating the need for a multi-dimensional array indexing intrinsic
>>> There are primarily one of two views of array indexing involving
>>> multiple dimensions most languages take, which we discuss to motivate
>>> the need for a multi-dimensional array index. This consideration impacts
>>> the kinds of analysis we can perform on the program. In Polly, we care about
>>> dependence analysis, so the examples here will focus on that particular problem.
>>> Let us consider an array indexing operation of the form:
>>> ```cpp
>>> int ex1(int n, int m, B[n][m], int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) {
>>> __builtin_assume(x1 != x2);
>>> __builtin_assume(y1 != y2);
>>> B[x1][y1] = 1;
>>> printf("%d", B[x2][y2]);
>>> exit(0);
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> One would like to infer that the array indices _interpreted as tuples_
>>> `(x1, y1)` and `(x2, y2)` do not have the same value, due to the guarding asserts
>>> that `x1 != x2` and `y1 != y2`. As a result, the write `B[x1][y1] = 1` can
>>> in no way interfere with the value of `B[x2][y2]`. Consquently,
>>> we can optimise the program into:
>>> ```cpp
>>> int ex1_opt(int n, int m, B[n][m], int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) {
>>>     // B[x1][y1] = 1 is omitted because the result
>>>     // cannot be used:
>>>     //  It is not used in the print and then the program exits
>>> printf("%d", B[x2][y2]);
>>> exit(0);
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> However, alas, this is illegal, for the C language does not provide
>>> semantics that allow the final inference above. It is conceivable that
>>> `x1 != x2, y1 != y2`, but the indices do actually alias, since
>>> according to C semantics, the two indices alias if the _flattened
>>> representation of the indices alias_. Consider the parameter
>>> values:
>>> ```
>>> n = m = 3
>>> x1 = 1, y1 = 0; B[x1][y1] = nx1+y1 = 3*1+0=3
>>> x2 = 0, y2 = 3; B[x2][y2] = nx2+y2 = 3*0+3=3
>>> ```
>>> Hence, the array elements `B[x1][y1]` and `B[x2][y2]` _can alias_, and
>>> so the transformation proposed in `ex1_opt` is unsound in general.
>>> In contrast, many langagues other than C require that index
>>> expressions for multidimensional arrays have each component within the
>>> array dimension for that component. As a result, in the example above,
>>> the index pair `(0,3)` would be out-of-bounds. In languages with these
>>> semantics, one can infer that the indexing:
>>> `[x1][y1] != [x2][y2]` iff `x1 != x2 || y1 != y2`.
>>> While this particular example is not very interesting, it shows the
>>> spirit of the lack of expressiveness in LLVM we are trying to
>>> improve.
>>> Julia, Fortran, and Chapel are examples of such languages which target
>>> LLVM.
>>> Currently, the LLVM semantics of `getelementptr` talk purely of
>>> the C style flattened views of arrays. This inhibits the ability of the optimiser
>>> to understand the multidimensional examples as given above, and we
>>> are forced to make conservative assumptions, inhibiting optimisation.
>>> This information must ideally be expressible in LLVM, such that LLVM's optimisers and
>>> alias analysis can use this information to model multidimensional-array
>>> semantics.
>>> There is a more realistic (and involved) example in [Appendix A](#Appendix-A)
>>> in the same spirit as the above simple example, but one a compiler might
>>> realistically wish to perform.
>>> ## Evaluation of the impact of the intrinsic on accuracy of dependence analysis
>>> - This has been implemented in an exprimental branch of Polly, and was used
>>> on the COSMO climate weather model. This greatly helped increase the accuracy
>>> of Polly's analysis, since we eliminated the guessing game from the array analysis.
>>> - This has also been implemented as part of a GSoC effort to unify
>>> Chapel and Polly.
>>> - Molly, the distributed version of Polly written by Michael Kruse for his PhD
>>>   also implemented a similar scheme. In his use-case, optimistic run-time checks
>>>   with delinearization was not possible, so this kind of intrinsic was _necessary_
>>>   for the application, not just _good to have_. More details are available
>>>   in his PhD thesis: [Lattice QCD Optimization and Polytopic Representations of Distributed Memory](https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01078440).>>   In particular, Chapter 9 contains a detailed discussion.
>>> # Representations
>>> ## Intrinsic
>>> ### Syntax
>>> ```
>>> <result> = llvm.multidim.array.index.* <ty> <ty>* <ptrval> {<stride>, <idx>}*
>>> ```
>>> ### Overview:
>>> The `llvm.multidim.array.index.*` intrinsic is used to get the address of
>>> an element from an array. It performs address calcuation only and
>>> does not access memory. It is similar to `getelementptr`. However, it imposes
>>> additional semantics which allows the optimiser to provide better optimisations
>>> than `getlementptr`.
>>> ### Arguments:
>>> The first argument is always a type used as the basis for the calculations. The
>>> second argument is always a pointer, and is the base address to start the
>>> calculation from. The remaining arguments are a list of pairs. Each pair
>>> contains a dimension stride, and an offset with respect to that stride.
>>> ### Semantics:
>>> `llvm.multidim.array.index.*` represents a multi-dimensional array index, In particular, this will
>>> mean that we will assume that all indices `<idx_i>` are non-negative.
>>> Additionally, we assume that, for each `<str_i>`, `<idx_i>` pair, that
>>> `0 <= idx_i < str_i`.
>>> Optimizations can assume that, given two llvm.multidim.array.index.* instructions with matching types:
>>> ```
>>> llvm.multidim.array.index.* <ty> <ty>* <ptrvalA> <strA_1>, <idxA_1>, ..., <strA_N>, <idxA_N>
>>> llvm.multidim.array.index.* <ty> <ty>* <ptrvalB> <strB_1>, <idxB_1>, ..., <strB_N>, <idxb_N>
>>> ```
>>> If `ptrvalA == ptrvalB` and the strides are equal `(strA_1 == strB_1 && ... && strA_N == strB_N)` then:
>>> - If all the indices are equal (that is, `idxA_1 == idxB_1 && ... && idxA_N == idxB_N`),
>>>   then the resulting pointer values are equal.
>>> - If any index value is not equal (that is, there exists an `i` such that `idxA_i != idxB_i`),
>>>   then the resulting pointer values are not equal.
>>> ##### Address computation:
>>> Consider an invocation of `llvm.multidim.array.index.*`:
>>> ```
>>> <result> = call @llvm.multidim.array.index.* <ty> <ty>* <ptrval> <str_0>, <idx_0>, <str_1> <idx_1>, ..., <str_n> <idx_n>
>>> ```
>>> If the pairs are denoted by `(str_i, idx_i)`, where `str_i` denotes the stride
>>> and `idx_i` denotes the index of the ith pair, then the final address (in bytes)
>>> is computed as:
>>> ```
>>> ptrval + len(ty) * [(str_0 * idx_0) + (str_1 * idx_1) + ... (str_n * idx_n)]
>>> ```
>>> ## Transitioning to `llvm.multidim.array.index.*`: Allow `multidim_array_index` to refer to a GEP instruction:
>>> This is a sketch of how we might gradually introduce the `llvm.multidim.array.index.*`
>>> intrinsic into LLVM without immediately losing the analyses
>>> that are performed on `getelememtptr` instructions. This section
>>> lists out some possible choices that we have, since the authors
>>> do not have a "best" solution.
>>> ##### Choice 1: Write a `llvm.multidim.array.index.*` to `GEP` pass, with the `GEP` annotated with metadata
>>> This pass will flatten all `llvm.multidim.array.index.*` expressions into a `GEP` annotated with metadata. This metadata will indicate that the index expression computed by the lowered GEP is guaranteed to be in a canonical form which allows the analysis
>>> to infer stride and index sizes.
>>> A multidim index of the form:
>>> ```
>>> %arrayidx = llvm.multidim.array.index.* i64 i64* %A, %str_1, %idx_1, %str_2, %idx_2
>>> ```
>>> is lowered to:
>>> ```
>>> %mul1 = mul nsw i64 %str_1, %idx_1
>>> %mul2 = mul1 nsw i64 %str_2, %idx_2
>>> %total = add nsw i64 %mul2, %mul1
>>> %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %A, i64 %total, !multidim !1
>>> ```
>>> with guarantees that the first term in each multiplication is the stride
>>> and the second term in each multiplication is the index. (What happens
>>> if intermediate transformation passes decide to change the order? This seems
>>> complicated).
>>> **TODO:** Lookup how to attach metadata such that the metadata can communicate
>>> which of the values are strides and which are indeces
>>> # Caveats
>>> Currently, we assume that the array shape is immutable. However, we will need to deal with
>>> being able to express `reshape` like primitives where the array shape can be mutated. However,
>>> this appears to make expressing this information quite difficult: We now need to attach the shape
>>> information to an array per "shape-live-range".
>>> ## Appendix-A
>>> ##### A realistic, more involved example of dependence analysis going wrong
>>> ```cpp
>>> // In an array A of size (n0 x n1),
>>> // fill a subarray of size (s0 x s1)
>>> // which starts at an offset (o0 x o1) in the larger array A
>>> void set_subarray(unsigned n0, unsigned n1,
>>> unsigned o0, unsigned o1,
>>> unsigned s0, unsigned s1,
>>> float A[n0][n1]) {
>>> for (unsigned i = 0; i < s0; i++)
>>> for (unsigned j = 0; j < s1; j++)
>>> S: A[i + o0][j + o1] = 1;
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> We first reduce this index expression to a sum of products:
>>> ```
>>> (i + o0) * n1 + (j + o1) = n1i + n1o0 + j + o1
>>> ix(i, j, n0, n1, o0, o1) = n1i + n1o0 + j + o1
>>> ```
>>> `ix` is the index expression which `LLVM` will see, since it is fully
>>> flattened, in comparison with the multi-dimensional index expression
>>> `index:[i + o0][j + o1] | sizes:[][n1]`.
>>> We will now show _why_ this multi-dimensional index is not always correct,
>>> and why guessing for one language will not work for another:
>>> Consider a call `set_subarray(n0=8, n1=9, o0=4, o1=6, s0=3, s1=6)`. At face
>>> value, this is incorrect if we view the array as 2D grid, since the size
>>> of the array is `(n0, n1) = (8, 9)`, but we are writing an array of size
>>> `(s0, s1) = (3, 6)` starting from `(o0, o1) = (4, 6)`. Clearly, we will
>>> exceed the width of the array, since `(s1 + o1 = 6 + 6 = 12) > (n1 = 9)`.
>>> However, now think of the array as a flattened 1D representation. In this
>>> case, the total size of the array is `n1xn2 = 8x9 = 72`, while the largest
>>> element we will access is at the largest value of `(i, j)`. That is,
>>> `i = s0 - 1 = 2`, and `j = s1 - 1 = 5`.
>>> The largest index will be `ix(i=2, j=5, n0=8, n1=9, o0=4, o1=6) = 8*2+8*4+5+6=59`.
>>> Since `59 < 72`, we are clearly at _legal_ array indices, by C semantics!
>>> The definition of the semantics of the language **changed the illegal
>>> multidimensional access** (which is illegal since it exceeds the `n1`
>>> dimension), into a **legal flattened 1D access** (which is legal since the
>>> flattened array indices are inbounds).
>>> LLVM has no way of expressing these two different semantics. Hence, we are
>>> forced to:
>>> 1. Consider flattened 1D accesses, which makes analysis of index expressions
>>> equivalent to analysis of polynomials over the integers, which is hard.
>>> 2. Guess multidimensional representations, and use them at the expense of
>>> soundness bugs as shown above.
>>> 3. Guess multidimensional representations, use them, and check their validity
>>> at runtime, causing a runtime performance hit. This implementation follows
>>> the description from the paper [Optimistic Delinearization of Parametrically Sized Arrays](optim-delin-parametrically-sized-arrays).
>>> Currently, Polly opts for option (3), which is to emit runtime checks. If
>>> the run-time checks fail, then Polly will not run its optimised code. Instead,
>>> It keeps a copy of the unoptimised code around, which is run in this case.
>>> Note that this effectively doubles the amount of performance-sensitive code
>>> which is finally emitted after running Polly.
>>> Ideally, we would like a mechanism to directly express the multidimensional
>>> semantics, which would eliminate this kind of guesswork from Polly/LLVM,
>>> which would both make code faster, and easier to analyze.
>>> ## References
>>> - [The chapel language specification](https://chapel-lang.org/docs/1.13/_downloads/chapelLanguageSpec.pdf)>> - [Fortran 2003 standard](http://www.j3-fortran.org/doc/year/04/04-007.pdf}{Fortran 2003 standard)
>>> - [C++ subscripting](http://eel.is/c++draft/expr.sub)>> - [Michael Kruse's PhD thesis: Lattice QCD Optimization and Polytopic Representations of Distributed Memory](https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01078440).>> - [Molly source code link for the intrinsic](https://github.com/Meinersbur/llvm/blob/molly/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsMolly.td#L3)>> -[Optimistic Delinearization of Parametrically Sized Arrays](optim-delin-parametrically-sized-arrays)
>>> [optim-delin-parametrically-sized-arrays]: http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/2760000/2751248/p351-grosser.pdf?ip=>>
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>> --
>> Peter
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