[llvm-dev] Question: How to access c++ vtable pointer to use as Value* in LLVM pass

K Jelesnianski via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 19 12:07:59 PDT 2019

Thanks for the super detailed answer! The ABI link is a great
resource! Thanks for showing it.

So my end goal is to have a function pass instrument and insert my
custom call before any virtual calls in a program. Reading your
response, I noticed similar code to the one you mentioned happening
before each virtual call. It looks like the IR is "fetching" the
needed vtable (%vtable) followed by extracting the appropriate virtual
function (%vfn). Sample code below from a simple main calling the
virtual function after the constructor call. I annotated the placement
of where the custom call would go.

1  call void @_ZN7DerivedC2Ev(%class.Derived* %0) #3, !dbg !955
--- constructor call
2  store %class.Derived* %0, %class.Derived** %derv, align 8, !dbg !953
3  %3 = load %class.Derived*, %class.Derived** %derv, align 8, !dbg !958
4  %4 = bitcast %class.Derived* %3 to i32 (%class.Derived*)***, !dbg !959
5  %vtable = load i32 (%class.Derived*)**, i32 (%class.Derived*)***
%4, align 8, !dbg !959
6  %vfn = getelementptr inbounds i32 (%class.Derived*)*, i32
(%class.Derived*)** %vtable, i64 0, !dbg !959
---- too far I dont need a virt function call
7  %5 = load i32 (%class.Derived*)*, i32 (%class.Derived*)** %vfn,
align 8, !dbg !959
8~~~~ Insert custom call here ~~~~~~
9  %call1 = call i32 %5(%class.Derived* %3), !dbg !959    ---- I used
this CallInst Operand Value to get this far.

In this case, can I "piggyback" off the 5th instruction and use that
Instruction value* ? It should be do-able to iterate backwards from
the CallInst(line 9) store the Value. The approach you are suggesting
is to write my own 2 instructions which do the same things as lines 4
and 5, correct?

Thanks again!

On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 2:07 AM Tim Northover <t.p.northover at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2019 at 05:13, K Jelesnianski via llvm-dev
> <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> > But this doesn't give me a Value* handle i can grab to and use later.
> > How can I leverage this Value to get that contained ??
> You need to get that from an instance rather than by iterating over
> the Type; almost certainly from a pointer to an instance since classes
> are hardly ever loaded as a whole in LLVM, just individual fields when
> needed. It sounds like you'll have one lying around.
> After that, you'd write:
>     %vtable.ptr = getelementptr %MyStruct, %MyStruct* %obj, i32 0, i32 0
>     %vtable = load i32(...)*, i32(...)** %vtable.ptr
> The first index on that GEP is just because your object may be in an
> array, the second selects the vtable pointer. Loading it gives you a
> *pointer* to the vtable (so the object instance is a pointer to a
> pointer to the vtable). It's essentially what you'd get if you'd had a
> Value * from Clang's @_ZTV8MyStruct directly (via
> Module::getGlobalVariable).
> You have to bitcast it to the correct type, of course, because at the
> moment it's pretending to be a i32(...)*. But that's probably what you
> want to pass to your library function if it's expecting a vtable.
> > 2nd question: What happens if the struct object is from a derived
> > class; iterating over the struct again, it looks like the vtable ptr
> > is tangled even deeper within the object:
> It can get horribly complicated, with multiple vtables inside the
> object at different locations and vtables within vtables; sometimes
> even different vtables at different stages of the object's life. The
> specification of what goes where is here:
> https://itanium-cxx-abi.github.io/cxx-abi/abi.html
> This is a good time to point out that all of this is platform
> dependent. MSVC in particular does things very differently, and Clang
> on Windows follows it.
> Cheers.
> Tim.

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