[llvm-dev] ThinLTO and linkonce_odr + unnamed_addr

Rafael Avila de Espindola via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 15 16:45:13 PST 2018

Steven Wu <stevenwu at apple.com> writes:

>> On Feb 15, 2018, at 4:16 PM, Rafael Avila de Espindola <rafael.espindola at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Steven Wu <stevenwu at apple.com> writes:
>>> I did a bit more digging for the auto hide problem. Here is my finding that prevent us from doing this by default in GlobalOpts
>>> 1. When a symbol is linkonce_odr hidden unnamed_addr, it emits both '.private_extern' and '.weak_def_can_be_hidden' asm directives on macho platform. There result of that is .private_extern will win so this is essentially linkonce_odr hidden.
>> What do those directives mean? I assume .weak_def_can_be_hidden is the
>> "you can drop this from the symbol table", but .private_extern I am not
>> sure.
> .private_extern is just suggesting the symbol has a hidden visibility with none local linkage type/
>>> 2. ld64 does treat these two type of symbols differently. For example, ld64 will deduplicate all the can_be_hidden symbols to reduce code size. This can't be achieved when the symbols is private external.
>> If I understand you correctly, ld64 will deduplicate
>> std::vector<int>::push_back and std::vector<unsigned>::push_back, but it
>> will not deduplicate std::vector<HiddenClassA>::push_back and
>> std::vector<HiddenClassB>::push_back. Is that correct? Do you know why
>> it has that limitation?
> ld64 will dedup identical atoms regardless of names which helps in the case of templates with same underlying types.

Even if the symbols corresponding to the atoms are hidden? If so, why is
having "linkonce_odr hidden unnamed_addr" causing problems?

To be clear, the testcase I have in mind is

#include <vector>
struct __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) Foo {};
struct __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) Bar {};
void f1(std::vector<Foo> V, Foo X) {
void f2(std::vector<Bar> V, Bar X) {

One ELF the symbols are hidden:

0000000000000000   119 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN     8 _ZNSt6vectorI3BarSaIS0_EE9push_backERKS0_
0000000000000000   119 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN     5 _ZNSt6vectorI3FooSaIS0_EE9push_backERKS0_

and with lld's ICF I get:

/home/espindola/inst/clang/bin/ld.lld: selected .text._ZNSt6vectorI3FooSaIS0_EE9push_backERKS0_
/home/espindola/inst/clang/bin/ld.lld:   removed .text._ZNSt6vectorI3BarSaIS0_EE9push_backERKS0_


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