[llvm-dev] [DebugInfo] DIBuilder missing interface to generate DWARF info for packed_decimal basic type.

John Reagan via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 28 09:42:36 PDT 2018

As Paul mentioned, we're now beginning to work on our COBOL, BASIC, etc.
debug support for OpenVMS.

Our legacy compilers started back with DWARF-2 so all of our tags were
in the vendor-specific area.  They mostly became part of DWARF-3.  We'll
be using the DWARF-3 names/encodings and change our debugger as needed.

The list of tags we'll be adding (pardon my BLISS syntax) will include:

LITERAL DW_AT_HP_decimal_sign =                         %X'200a';
LITERAL DW_AT_HP_digit_count =                          %X'200b';
LITERAL DW_AT_HP_decimal_scale =                        %X'200c';
LITERAL DW_AT_HP_picture_string =                       %X'200f';
LITERAL DW_AT_HP_edit_string =                          %X'2028';

We also have

LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_VAX_float =			%X'88';
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_VAX_float_d =			%X'89';	
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_packed_decimal =		%X'8a';	
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_zoned_decimal =		%X'8b';	
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_edited =			%X'8c';	
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_signed_fixed =		%X'8d';	
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_unsigned_fixed =		%X'8e';	
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_VAX_complex_float =		%X'8f';	
LITERAL DW_ATE_HP_VAX_complex_float_d =		%X'90';	

What version of LLVM are you working on?  We're currently stuck at 3.4.2
for our cross-compilers due to the host C++ compiler, but will bootstrap
our way to ToT once the native systems are up and stable.


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