[llvm-dev] Please help: SVN is broken

Zachary Turner via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 19 18:33:49 PDT 2017

Hi all, for the past several days I've been dealing with intermittent bot
failures due to a recent series of patches which changes some things about

Most of the dust has settled, but there's several bots that just won't stay

An example is this one:


What happens in all of these cases is that SVN encounters a tree conflict
when updating, and then it gets stuck on some messed up of the code where
the test suite doesn't match up with the code being tested.

But at this point I honestly think this is some kind of bug in SVN or
buildbot and I'm not entirely sure what to do about it.  For these affected
bots, I can force a clobber by setting build revision to 0 and forcing a
build.  This will rm -rf the source tree and check out a new one.  Surely
this should resolve any conflicts right?  But it doesn't.  For example:

In this build I clobber the source tree.  You can see by clicking the
svn-llvm step.  You can see that all tests pass.

The next build, 9747 also passes and if you click the svn-llvm step you'll
see that it just updates some files.

But all of a sudden, 9749 fails.  If you look at the svn-llvm step again,
you see this:

Updating '.':
Skipped 'utils/lit/lit/llvm' -- Node remains in conflict

and now everything starts failing.

But it shouldn't even be trying to update this!   No file in that directory
has changed.  If you look at 9747, 9748, and 9749, none of those CLs touch
any files in that folder.

So, I'm really at a loss here.  I don't think reverting is going to fix
anything, because I believe the damage to be related to some intermediate
commit, and the revert is just going to get stacked onto the end of the
commit list.  Something seems fundamentally messed up here.

Can anyone provide some insight?
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