[llvm-dev] Machine Scheduler on Power PC: Latency Limit and Register Pressure

Stefan Pintilie via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri Oct 13 13:09:23 PDT 2017


I've been looking at the Machine Scheduler on Power PC.  I am looking only 
at the pre-RA machine scheduler and I am running it in the default 
bi-directional mode (so, both top down and bottom up queues are 
considered). I've come across an example where the scheduler picks a poor 
ordering for the instructions which results in very high register pressure 
which results in spills. The problem comes from the fact that the Machine 
Scheduler uses a maximum latency limit when it considers instructions to 
schedule. A high latency instruction will not be scheduled before all of 
the available lower latency instructions are scheduled. This happens 
regardless of register pressure since the higher latency instruction is 
not even added to the "Available" queue that is used when the heuristics 
pick an instruction to schedule next. 

My question is: Why do we have that latency limit in the first place? If 
an instruction can be scheduled (ie all the instructions it depends on are 
already scheduled) shouldn't it be at least considered?

The example is listed below:

long A[100];
long func(long* num, long* den) {
// This loop is unrolled
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
  A[i] = num[i] / den[i];
return 0;

Compile commands
clang -c -m64 -O3 -target powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu -mcpu=pwr9 
-fexperimental-new-pass-manager test.c -S -emit-llvm
llc test.ll -O3 -ppc-asm-full-reg-names -debug-only=machine-scheduler -o 
test-p9.s > listing.out 2>&1

Looking at the listing.out file I've noticed that all of the loads are 
grouped together at the start of the function. Those loads use 12 
registers before any of the divides are scheduled. As a result, we end up 
with significantly higher register pressure after all the loads.
0B      BB#0: derived from LLVM BB %entry
            Live Ins: %X3 %X4
16B             %vreg1<def> = COPY %X4; G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg1
32B             %vreg0<def> = COPY %X3; G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg0
48B             %vreg2<def> = LD 0, %vreg0; mem:LD8[%num](tbaa=!4) 
G8RC:%vreg2 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg0
64B             %vreg3<def> = LD 0, %vreg1; mem:LD8[%den](tbaa=!4) 
G8RC:%vreg3 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg1
144B            %vreg7<def> = LD 8, %vreg0; mem:LD8[%arrayidx.1](tbaa=!4) 
G8RC:%vreg7 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg0
160B            %vreg8<def> = LD 8, %vreg1; mem:LD8[%arrayidx2.1](tbaa=!4) 
G8RC:%vreg8 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg1
208B            %vreg10<def> = LD 16, %vreg0; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx.2](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg10 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg0
224B            %vreg11<def> = LD 16, %vreg1; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx2.2](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg11 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg1
272B            %vreg13<def> = LD 24, %vreg0; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx.3](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg13 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg0
288B            %vreg14<def> = LD 24, %vreg1; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx2.3](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg14 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg1
336B            %vreg16<def> = LD 32, %vreg0; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx.4](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg16 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg0
352B            %vreg17<def> = LD 32, %vreg1; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx2.4](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg17 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg1
400B            %vreg19<def> = LD 40, %vreg0; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx.5](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg19 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg0
416B            %vreg20<def> = LD 40, %vreg1; 
mem:LD8[%arrayidx2.5](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg20 G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg1
424B            %vreg4<def> = DIVD %vreg2, %vreg3; 
432B            %vreg9<def> = DIVD %vreg7, %vreg8; 
440B            %vreg12<def> = DIVD %vreg10, %vreg11; 
448B            %vreg15<def> = DIVD %vreg13, %vreg14; 
456B            %vreg18<def> = DIVD %vreg16, %vreg17; 
464B            %vreg21<def> = DIVD %vreg19, %vreg20; 
472B            %vreg5<def> = ADDIStocHA %X2, <ga:@A>; 
480B            %vreg6<def> = LDtocL <ga:@A>, %vreg5, %X2<imp-use>; 
mem:LD8[GOT] G8RC_and_G8RC_NOX0:%vreg6,%vreg5
504B            %X3<def> = LI8 0
512B            STD %vreg4, 0, %vreg6; mem:ST8[getelementptr inbounds 
([100 x i64], [100 x i64]* @A, i64 0, i64 0)](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg4 
520B            STD %vreg9, 8, %vreg6; mem:ST8[getelementptr inbounds 
([100 x i64], [100 x i64]* @A, i64 0, i64 1)](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg9 
528B            STD %vreg12, 16, %vreg6; mem:ST8[getelementptr inbounds 
([100 x i64], [100 x i64]* @A, i64 0, i64 2)](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg12 
536B            STD %vreg15, 24, %vreg6; mem:ST8[getelementptr inbounds 
([100 x i64], [100 x i64]* @A, i64 0, i64 3)](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg15 
544B            STD %vreg18, 32, %vreg6; mem:ST8[getelementptr inbounds 
([100 x i64], [100 x i64]* @A, i64 0, i64 4)](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg18 
552B            STD %vreg21, 40, %vreg6; mem:ST8[getelementptr inbounds 
([100 x i64], [100 x i64]* @A, i64 0, i64 5)](tbaa=!4) G8RC:%vreg21 
560B            BLR8 %LR8<imp-use>, %RM<imp-use>, %X3<imp-use>

Due to all of the register pressure built up by those loads we are forced 
to spill. Here is the final assembly.
# BB#0:                                 # %entry
        std r30, -16(r1)                # 8-byte Folded Spill
        ld r5, 0(r3)
        ld r6, 0(r4)
        ld r7, 8(r3)
        ld r8, 8(r4)
        ld r9, 16(r3)
        ld r10, 16(r4)
        ld r11, 24(r3)
        ld r0, 32(r3)
        ld r12, 24(r4)
        ld r30, 32(r4)
        ld r3, 40(r3)
        ld r4, 40(r4)
        divd r5, r5, r6
        divd r6, r7, r8
        divd r7, r9, r10
        divd r9, r0, r30
        divd r4, r3, r4
        divd r8, r11, r12
        addis r3, r2, .LC0 at toc@ha
        ld r30, -16(r1)                 # 8-byte Folded Reload
        ld r10, .LC0 at toc@l(r3)
        li r3, 0
        std r5, 0(r10)
        std r6, 8(r10)
        std r7, 16(r10)
        std r9, 32(r10)
        std r8, 24(r10)
        std r4, 40(r10)

Thank you, 
Stefan Pintilie

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