[llvm-dev] Instruction selection for 'load' based on static vs. dynamic data

Krzysztof Parzyszek via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 9 06:01:43 PDT 2017

On 5/9/2017 6:51 AM, Dr. ERDI Gergo wrote:
> On Mon, 8 May 2017, Krzysztof Parzyszek via llvm-dev wrote:
> However, what's still missing with that plan is how to propagate that 
> information "upwards". By the time it gets to instruction selection, the 
> `getelementptr` is already expanded into some arithmetic expression of a 
> base address and some arbitrary offset calculations.

At this point it's a problem of writing appropriate selection patterns.

> So for example, with this code:
> [...]
> (add
>    (sign_extend (CopyFromReg %vreg2))
>    (WRAPPER TargetGlobalAddress<@switch.table>))
> not a WRAPPER directly.

Such cases can be treated with conjunction with the load or store 
instruction, for example:

def: Pat<(ld (add (WRAPPER RC:$addr), (sign_extend RC:$offset))),
          (load_instruction_rr RC:$addr, RC:$offset)>;

Where "load_instruction" is a machine load instruction with base address 
and an offset, both in registers, and RC is the corresponding register 

For cases where the offset is an immediate, you can have

def: Pat<(ld (add (WRAPPER RC:$addr), imm:$offset)),
          (load_instruction_ri RC:$addr, imm:$offset)>;

The "imm" is a general predicate for any immediate. If you want to only 
match a subset of immediates (e.g. those that are within some range), 
you can define your own PatLeaf and then use it in place of imm:

def Test : PatLeaf<(i32 imm), [{
   int64_t V = N->getSExtValue();
   return V > -17 && V < 12;   // Only true for [-16, 11].

def: Pat<(ld (add (WRAPPER RC:$addr), Test:$offset)),
          (load_instruction_ri RC:$addr, imm:$offset)>;

The "imm" in the second line can remain, it's the first part of the 
"Pat" that matters, but if you want, you can have "Test" in both.

There is also a target hook "isOffsetFoldingLegal" in TargetLowering, 
which tells the DAG combiner if it can make the immediate offset a part 
of the global address itself.


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