[llvm-dev] How to write the same things as `opt` command in C++ API

via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 30 23:57:32 PDT 2017

Thank you very much your fast response!
When typed 'opt-3.8 -S -O2 main.ll', I got:

; ModuleID = 'main.ll'

; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone

define i32 @main() #0 {


  ret i32 undef


attributes #0 = { norecurse nounwind readnone }

This result is the same as my C++ code.

I'm not sure my use of `llvm::legacyPassManeger` and
`llvm::PassManagerBuilder`. To write inlining in C++, I explored in llvm's
Github and other repositories which use LLVM, then I wrote the C++ code.
I'd like to be taught the correct use.



2017年3月31日(金) 15:50 Craig Topper <craig.topper at gmail.com>:

> I believe calling pm_builder.populateModulePassManager(pm); will cause a
> bunch of passes to be ran as if you had ran 'opt -O2'. What do you get if
> you run 'opt-3.8 -S -O2 main.ll'?
> ~Craig
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 11:27 PM, via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>
> wrote:
> Hi, I'm Ryo Ota. I'm using LLVM 3.8.1. I have a quesion about inlining
> function in C++ API.
> I'd like to inline some functions in a module in the same way as `opt
> -inline` command. But my C++ code didn't work what I want to do.
> For example, by using `opt -inline` command,`main.ll` is converted into
> the `inlined.ll`(`opt` command worked what I want to do)
> [main.ll  (Not inlined)]
> ; ModuleID = 'my module'
> define private i32 @a() {
> entry:
>   %c = call i32 @c()
>   ret i32 %c
> }
> define private i32 @b() {
> entry:
>   %a = call i32 @a()
>   %b = call i32 @b() ; key-point (infinite-recursive)
>   %res = add i32 %a, %b
>   ret i32 %res
> }
> define private i32 @c() {
> entry:
>   ret i32 2
> }
> define i32 @main() {
> entrypoint:
>   %b = call i32 @b()
>   ret i32 %b
> }
> [inlined.ll] Made by `opt-3.8 -S -inline main.ll > inlined.ll` command
> define private i32 @b() {
> entry:
>   %b = call i32 @b()
>   %res = add i32 2, %b ; a is inlined. (a == c, c == 2)
>   ret i32 %res
> }
> define i32 @main() {
> entrypoint:
>   %b = call i32 @b()
>   ret i32 %b
> }
> `opt` command worked what I want to do. But my C++ doesn't work like `opt` command. The following code is my C++ code, which didn't work I what to do. My code has `undef`. `inlined.ll` doen't have `undef`.
> @main returns @b(). But below code, @main returns undef. I think @b has a infinite-recursive call. But I don't want it to dump `undef`. Could you tell me how to stop inlining of `undef`?
> [output of C++ doe]
> ; ModuleID = 'my module'
> ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
> define i32 @main() #0 {
> entrypoint:
>   ret i32 undef
> }
> attributes #0 = { norecurse nounwind readnone }
> [C++ code]
> /// @brief context
> llvm::LLVMContext context;
> /// @brief module
> std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> module = llvm::make_unique<llvm::Module>("my module", context);
> llvm::PassManagerBuilder pm_builder;
> llvm::legacy::PassManager pm;
> pm_builder.Inliner = llvm::createFunctionInliningPass();
> pm_builder.populateModulePassManager(pm);
> /// @brief Create function type (void) => i32
> llvm::FunctionType       *commonfuncType = llvm::FunctionType::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(context), {}, false);
> /// @brief Create a function (define i32 a())
> llvm::Function           *aFun     = llvm::Function::Create(commonfuncType, llvm::Function::PrivateLinkage, "a", module.get());
> /// @brief Create a function (define i32 b())
> llvm::Function           *bFun     = llvm::Function::Create(commonfuncType, llvm::Function::PrivateLinkage, "b", module.get());
> /// @brief Create a function (define i32 c())
> llvm::Function           *cFun     = llvm::Function::Create(commonfuncType, llvm::Function::PrivateLinkage, "c", module.get());
> // Body of the `a` function
> {
>     /// @brief Set entry label
>     llvm::BasicBlock *block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entry", aFun);
>     /// @brief builder
>     llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(block);
>     builder.SetInsertPoint(block);
>     llvm::CallInst *cCall = builder.CreateCall(cFun, {}, "c");
>     llvm::Value *res = cCall;
>     builder.CreateRet(res);
>     llvm::verifyFunction(*aFun);
> }
> // Body of the `b` function
> {
>     /// @brief Set entry label
>     llvm::BasicBlock *block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entry", bFun);
>     /// @brief builder
>     llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(block);
>     builder.SetInsertPoint(block);
>     llvm::CallInst *aCall = builder.CreateCall(aFun, {}, "a");
>     llvm::CallInst *cCall = builder.CreateCall(bFun, {}, "c");
>     llvm::Value *res = builder.CreateAdd(aCall, cCall, "res");
>     builder.CreateRet(res);
>     llvm::verifyFunction(*bFun);
> }
> // Body of the `c` function
> {
>     /// @brief Set entry label
>     llvm::BasicBlock *block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entry", cFun);
>     /// @brief builder
>     llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(block);
>     builder.SetInsertPoint(block);
>     llvm::Value *res = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(context), 2);
>     builder.CreateRet(res);
>     llvm::verifyFunction(*cFun);
> }
> /// @brief Start of Main function
> {
>     llvm::FunctionType *const func_type = llvm::FunctionType::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(context), false);
>     llvm::Function *const main_func = llvm::Function::Create(func_type, llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, "main",
>                                                              module.get());
>     llvm::BasicBlock *const entry = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entrypoint", main_func);
>     llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(entry);
>     builder.SetInsertPoint(entry);
>     llvm::CallInst *bCall = builder.CreateCall(bFun, {}, "b");
>     builder.CreateRet(bCall);
>     llvm::verifyFunction(*main_func);
> }
> pm.run(*module);
> module->dump();
> if you comment-outed `pm.run(*module);` you have the following output.
> define private i32 @a() {
> entry:
>   %c = call i32 @c()
>   ret i32 %c
> }
> define private i32 @b() {
> entry:
>   %a = call i32 @a()
>   %c = call i32 @b()
>   %res = add i32 %a, %c
>   ret i32 %res
> }
> define private i32 @c() {
> entry:
>   ret i32 2
> }
> define i32 @main() {
> entrypoint:
>   %b = call i32 @b()
>   ret i32 %b
> }
> Sincerely,
> Ryo
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