[llvm-dev] Test Error Paths for Expected & ErrorOr

Stefan Gränitz via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 10 16:14:23 PDT 2017

I am back with some news:

Tried Clang cc1, but not much use of Expected/ErrorOr.
Went on instrumenting the llvm-ar tool and ran a few tests: "llvm-ar t
/usr/local/lib/libc++.a" has 267 mutation points, many of them duplicates.
Quite a number of error handlers do exit() - I gave up gtest.
Added command line option -force-error=<int> + automate with shell script.
Built and ran with ASAN&UBSAN - no issues found. Disappointing, expected
at least a some minor leak! ;)
Added -debug -debug-only=ForceAllErrors for extra debug dump, like short
stack trace where instance is broken.

Fork is on GitHub:

Am 31.07.17 um 17:53 schrieb David Blaikie:
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 8:19 AM Stefan Gränitz
> <stefan.graenitz at gmail.com <mailto:stefan.graenitz at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Lang, hi David, thanks for looking into this.
>>     Did you identify many cases where "real work" (in your example,
>>     the nullptr dereference" was being done in an error branch?
>     In my own code yes, not in LLVM ;) I'd like to run it on a large
>     example, some llvm tool or clang cc1 maybe. I hope to find the
>     time end of this week.
>>     My suspicion is that that should be rare, but that your tool
>>     would be great for exposing logic errors and resource leaks if
>>     run with the sanitizers turned on.
>     Very good idea!
>>     In an ideal world we'd go even further and build a clang/LLDB
>>     based tool that can identify what kinds of errors a function can
>>     produce, then inject instances of those: That would allow us to
>>     test actual error handling logic too, not just the generic
>>     surrounding logic. 
>     Right, currently I only inject a generic error mock. Handlers may
>     not be prepared for it and testing them is not possible so far.
>     Not sure how a detection for the actual error types could look
>     like, but I am curious for ideas.
> Yeah, I imagine that would be tricky - 'true' mutation testing (a
> compiler that deliberately and systematically miscompiles branches (in
> a similar way to your approach of systematically producing errors) &
> helps discover untested parts of the code (any mutation that doesn't
> result in a test failure is missing testing)) would probably find
> these, or maybe static analysis.
> Alternatively, if this technique were really embedded deep into
> llvm::Error, then it could differentiate between the various handles
> in a handleError - except I suppose it'd have no way of creating
> arbitrary errors required to pass to them - maybe with some API entry
> point (give for any T that is an ErrorInfo, have
> ErrorInfo::createTestStub or the like that could be used). It'd be
> tricky, I'd imagine.
> - Dave
>     I will get back to you with results of a bigger test run asap.
>     Am 28.07.17 um 23:36 schrieb Lang Hames:
>>     Hi Stefan, David,
>>     This is very interesting stuff - it adds a dimension of error
>>     security that Error/Expected can't provide on their own. I think
>>     it would be interesting to try to build a tool around this.
>>     Did you identify many cases where "real work" (in your example,
>>     the nullptr dereference" was being done in an error branch? My
>>     suspicion is that that should be rare, but that your tool would
>>     be great for exposing logic errors and resource leaks if run with
>>     the sanitizers turned on.
>>     In an ideal world we'd go even further and build a clang/LLDB
>>     based tool that can identify what kinds of errors a function can
>>     produce, then inject instances of those: That would allow us to
>>     test actual error handling logic too, not just the generic
>>     surrounding logic. 
>>     Cheers,
>>     Lang.
>>     On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 8:56 AM, David Blaikie
>>     <dblaikie at gmail.com <mailto:dblaikie at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 8:54 AM Stefan Gränitz
>>         <stefan.graenitz at gmail.com
>>         <mailto:stefan.graenitz at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>             Yes definitely, testing a small piece of code like the
>>             GlobPattern::create() example, it would mostly indicate
>>             missing unit tests or insufficient test data.
>>             In contrast to unit tests, however, it can also verify
>>             correct handling of errors passed between function call
>>             hierarchies in more complex scenarios.
>>             For this I should point to the other example in the code,
>>             where it's applied to llvm::object::createBinary():
>>             https://github.com/weliveindetail/ForceAllErrors-in-LLVM/blob/master/test/TestLLVMObject.h#L13
>>             Here it detects and runs 44 different control paths, that
>>             can hardly be covered by a unit test altogether, because
>>             they don't depend on the input to creatBinary() but
>>             rather on the environment the test runs in.
>>          Yep, testing OS level environmental failures would be great
>>         for this - I wonder if there's a good way to distinguish
>>         between them (so that this only hits those cases, but doesn't
>>         unduly 'cover' other cases that should be targeted by tests,
>>         etc). Essentially something more opt-in or some other
>>         handshake. (perhaps a certain kind of Error that represents a
>>         "this failure is due to the environment, not the caller's
>>         arguments"? Not sure)
>>         Hopefully Lang (author of Error/Expected) chimes in - be
>>         curious to hear his thoughts on this stuff too.
>>         Thanks again for developing it/bringing it up here! :)
>>             Am 27.07.17 um 16:46 schrieb David Blaikie:
>>>             I /kind/ of like the idea - but it almost feels like
>>>             this would be a tool for finding out that test coverage
>>>             is insufficient, then adding tests that actually
>>>             exercise the bad input, etc (this should be equally
>>>             discoverable by code coverage, probably? Maybe not if
>>>             multiple error paths all collapse together, maybe... )
>>>             For instance, with your example, especially once there's
>>>             an identified bug that helps motivate, would it not be
>>>             better to add a test that does pass a fileName input
>>>             that fails GlobPattern::create?
>>>             On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 5:10 AM Stefan Gränitz via
>>>             llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
>>>             <mailto:llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
>>>                 Hello, this is a call for feedback: opinions,
>>>                 improvements, testers..
>>>                 I use the support classes Expected<T> and ErrorOr<T>
>>>                 quite often
>>>                 recently and I like the concept a lot! Thanks Lang btw!
>>>                 However, from time to time I found issues in the
>>>                 execution paths of my
>>>                 error cases and got annoyed by their naturally low
>>>                 test coverage.
>>>                 So I started sketching a test that runs all error
>>>                 paths for a given
>>>                 piece of code to detect these issues. I just pushed
>>>                 it to GitHub and
>>>                 added a little readme:
>>>                 https://github.com/weliveindetail/ForceAllErrors-in-LLVM
>>>                 Are there people on the list facing the same issue?
>>>                 How do you test your error paths?
>>>                 Could this be of use for you if it was in a reusable
>>>                 state?
>>>                 Is there something similar already around?
>>>                 Anyone seeing bugs or improvements?
>>>                 Could it maybe even increase coverage in the LLVM
>>>                 test suite some day?
>>>                 Thanks for all kinds of feedback!
>>>                 Cheers, Stefan
>>>                 --
>>>                 https://weliveindetail.github.io/blog/
>>>                 https://cryptup.org/pub/stefan.graenitz@gmail.com
>>>                 _______________________________________________
>>>                 LLVM Developers mailing list
>>>                 llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org <mailto:llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>
>>>                 http://lists.llvm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/llvm-dev
>>             -- 
>>             https://weliveindetail.github.io/blog/
>>             https://cryptup.org/pub/stefan.graenitz@gmail.com
>     -- 
>     https://weliveindetail.github.io/blog/
>     https://cryptup.org/pub/stefan.graenitz@gmail.com


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