[llvm-dev] Resuming the discussion of establishing an LLVM code of conduct

David Chisnall via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 5 06:02:26 PDT 2016

On 5 May 2016, at 13:44, Renato Golin <renato.golin at linaro.org> wrote:
> I don't think the people in this committee should be nominated, but
> voted. This is more than just the LLVM Foundation doing stuff on the
> side, this is out whole community, of which the foundation is only
> part of.
> I feel very strongly about that, even if I trust the people that get
> nominated. Others might not, and that'd be against the very code we're
> trying to uphold.

For the FreeBSD equivalent, we are planning to have a mixture (the exact mix still to be decided - these things are *hard* and I feel that the LLVM Foundation has rushed this, as indicated by the replies in the thread) of people from the following categories:

- Nominated by the Core Team (there’s no direct LLVM equivalent, as there’s no elected leadership of the LLVM project)

- Directly elected from within the community

- Respected individuals coopted from outside of the community (to ensure that we are not producing an echo chamber - imagine a CoC committee drawn from LKML contributors to see how badly things could go if you don’t do this)

I hope that the LLVM Foundation will adopt a similar strategy.  The other very important point is that members of this committee must be trained in handling harassment complaints.  Most large employers offer this kind of training (I’m scheduled to go on the one offered here in a couple of weeks), and there are independent ones that the Foundation could pay for people to attend if they can not get this training from their employer.


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