[llvm-dev] instrumenting device code with gpucc

Yuanfeng Peng via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 10 17:21:05 PST 2016

Hi Jingyue,

Thank you so much for the helpful response!  I didn't know that PTX
assembly cannot be linked; that's likely the reason for my issue.

So I did the following as you suggested(axpy-sm_30.bc is the instrumented
bitcode, and cuda_hooks-sm_30.bc contains the hook functions):

*llvm-link axpy-sm_30.bc cuda_hooks-sm_30.bc  -o inst_axpy-sm_30.bc*

*llc inst_axpy-sm_30.bc -o axpy-sm_30.s*

*"/usr/local/cuda/bin/ptxas" "-m64" "-O3" -c "--gpu-name" "sm_30"
"--output-file" axpy-sm_30.o axpy-sm_30.s*

However, I got the following error from ptxas:

*ptxas axpy-sm_30.s, line 106; error   : Duplicate definition of function

*ptxas axpy-sm_30.s, line 106; fatal   : Parsing error near '.2': syntax

*ptxas fatal   : Ptx assembly aborted due to errors*

Looks like some cuda function definitions are in both bitcode files which
caused duplicate definition... what am I supposed to do to resolve this


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