[llvm-dev] RFC: Move the test-suite LLVM project to GitHub?

Joachim Durchholz via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 25 03:42:23 PST 2016

Am 25.02.2016 um 08:47 schrieb Chandler Carruth:
> Even if we don't directly use the features as part of normal development,
> we could experiment with them and learn about them.

Consider testing at least GitLab then, because some of the conclusions 
will be about how well or not-so-well things work on GitHub. Overall 
status of these two is: GitHub has slightly more features but offers 
noticeably less support for alternate workflows, and their standard 
workflow is tailored towards a single tier of 
everybody-has-the-same-rights developers.

> True, but personally, given its widespread use and rapidly improving
> ecosystem position, I think the most interesting option here long term will
> be GitHub, so that's the one I'm interested in investigating.

That's certainly something to consider, but GitHub does have its 
weaknesses, and it's not clear whether the ones that they cannot fix are 
relevant enough to make them go the SourceForge route.
It's not that hard to switch to a different git hosting service unless 
you lock yourself in by leaning essential parts of your workflow on 
their API (they ALL try to do that kind of lock-in, though GitLab has 
the server side open-sourced so in that case a lock-in is much less of a 

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