[llvm-dev] code to sort otherwise-unsortable "ilist"s, e.g. symbol tables
Abe Skolnik via llvm-dev
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Aug 17 13:25:54 PDT 2016
Dear all,
The below has been tested quite thoroughly by now, including performance-testing by the way of
using a modified compiler that triggers the below while compiling at least an old part of LLVM
["Function.cpp"] and sorting a symbol table with >7000 global variables.
Unfortunately, the optimization I have been working on for which I _thought_ I needed the
ability to sort a symbol table is showing poor performance numbers [from the compiled code, not
the compiler itself], so I think I probably won`t submit that, at least not in its present form
-- maybe in a much-more-limited form that doesn`t need the sorting. However, I thought this
sorting code might be useful to somebody else, so here it is for feedback.
Maybe somebody wants to add the needed glue code so e.g. "my_ilist.sort()" will call the below
rather than invoking the relevant ancestor-class "sort()" and crashing? If so, then ditto for
e.g. "my_ilist.sort(my_comparator)", please.
===== snippet from altered "llvm/include/llvm/ADT/ilist.h" =====
===== context within "ilist.h": the 2nd "public:" section of "template<typename NodeTy,
typename Traits=ilist_traits<NodeTy> > class iplist : public Traits" =====
template <class Compare>
void sort_without_temporary_list(Compare comp) {
// The list is empty, vacuously sorted.
if (empty())
// The list has a single element, vacuously sorted.
if (std::next(begin()) == end())
iterator last_sorted{begin()};
iterator just_after_last_sorted{std::next(last_sorted)};
while (end() != just_after_last_sorted) {
while ( (end() != just_after_last_sorted) && ! comp(*just_after_last_sorted,
*last_sorted) ) {
// advance the frontier by one element
++ last_sorted;
} // this loop _must_ come _before_ the code to figure out how many elem.s to splice and
where to splice them to [place-marker: NOTE 668]
if (end() != just_after_last_sorted) { // check again in case advancing the frontier
finished the job
// first, find the insertion point for the first-past-the-frontier elem.
iterator insertion_point{begin()};
while ( ! comp(*just_after_last_sorted, *insertion_point) ) ++insertion_point;
// set up some needed iterators
const iterator just_after_insertion_point{std::next(insertion_point)};
iterator prev_elem_checked_for_order_in_sublist_to_splice{
// try to make {the sublist to be spliced} as long as it can be while still being correct
while ( (end() != just_after_last_elem_in_sublist_to_splice) && // ...
/*...*/ ( ! comp(*just_after_insertion_point,
*just_after_last_elem_in_sublist_to_splice) ) &&
/*...*/ ! comp(*just_after_last_elem_in_sublist_to_splice,
*prev_elem_checked_for_order_in_sublist_to_splice) ) {
// extend the to-splice sublist by one element "to the right"
splice(insertion_point, *this, just_after_last_sorted,
just_after_last_sorted = std::next(last_sorted); // refresh the iterator so it points
to whatever is now just past the frontier
// We don`t need to refresh the iterator "last_sorted" b/c this is a linked list...
// and we definitely did not insert at the frontier [see NOTE 668].
} // end if
} // end while
} // end of "sort_without_temporary_list(Compare comp)"
void sort_without_temporary_list() { sort_without_temporary_list(op_less); }
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