[llvm-dev] Find loops in LLVM bytecode

Jakub Kuderski via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 24 02:10:10 PDT 2015


You can take a look at the InductiveRangeCheckElimination pass - it extracts some high-level information about a loops into its own loop structure. 

-----Original Message-----
From: llvm-dev [mailto:llvm-dev-bounces at lists.llvm.org] On Behalf Of Jia-Ju Bai via llvm-dev
Sent: 24 September 2015 03:22
To: John Criswell; jtcriswel at gmail.com
Cc: llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Subject: Re: [llvm-dev] Find loops in LLVM bytecode

Thanks, John and Michael.

But I am not used to write LLVM passes. I always write a basic transformation program to modified LLVM bytecode files.
This transformation program traverses and analyzes instructions, basicblocks and functions.
Is there a way of extracting loops used for me?

On 09/23/2015 11:50 AM, John Criswell wrote:
> I think you want to look at the LoopInfoWrapperPass (see the doxygen 
> at http://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1LoopInfoWrapperPass.html).
> Your pass will use the analysis results from LoopInfoWrapperPass to 
> get references to LoopInfo objects which can then be used to find 
> loops (if memory serves me correctly).

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