[llvm-dev] Postdoc position in software verification/analysis

Zvonimir Rakamaric via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 25 11:11:04 PST 2015

Hi all,

I have seen postdoc positions related to LLVM being advertised here, so I
thought I should do the same with ours :). Please see below for more info.
Oh, I should add that I am looking for PhD students to work on these
projects too!

-- Zvonimir

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Software
Analysis Research Lab (SOARlab, http://soarlab.org/), School of Computing,
University of Utah.

The position is primarily tied to two projects on verification of operating
systems code, and in particular protocol stacks (e.g., Android Bluetooth
stack) and concurrent Linux kernel modules (e.g., novel file systems). The
projects involve developing novel symbolic verification techniques for
low-level concurrent OS codes. An effort is already underway by our OS
collaborators to develop an approach for decomposing parts of the Linux
kernel into isolated modules, which we plan to leverage by performing
composition verification. The ultimate goal is to release verified versions
of real-world OS components. We expect to rely on and extend our mature
LLVM-based software verifier to achieve this. See SOARlab webpage for more

Candidates should ideally have expertise in symbolic software analysis
(e.g., SMT solving, symbolic execution), static analysis, compilers (LLVM),
and operating systems (Linux). You should also have experience in building
and working with large software systems and tools, such as LLVM and the
Linux kernel. The goal of both projects is to develop practical
verification techniques and apply them on real-world OS codes. Hence, being
able to quickly understand code and program in C/C++ would be beneficial.
Candidates are expected to work closely with OS experts who are involved in
these projects. You will also have a chance to mentor and work with our
graduate students.

Finally, the School of Computing is a fast-growing, vibrant department with
around 40 faculty members and 200 graduate students. It is situated in
beautiful, and yet very affordable, Salt Lake City, next to lively
downtown, but also with mountains and various outdoor activities close by.

The position is available now and will be open until filled. Candidates
should have a doctoral degree in computer science.

If you are interested in this position, please email your CV, brief
research statement, and a list of 2-3 referees (with their emails) to Prof.
Zvonimir Rakamaric (zvonimir at cs.utah.edu).
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