[LLVMdev] How will OrcJIT guarantee thread-safety when a function is asked to be re generated?

Sanjoy Das sanjoy at playingwithpointers.com
Thu Mar 19 15:39:02 PDT 2015

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Lang Hames <lhames at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sanjoy,
>> You need the hijack-return-pc approach *in addition* to a call-site
>> patching approach.  Modifying the return PC lets you guarantee that
>> nothing will *return* into the old generated code. To guarantee that
>> nothing will *call* into it either you could use a double indirection
>> (all calls go through a trampoline) or patchpoints.
> You need to hijack the return addresses if you want to delete the original
> function body immediately, but what if you just leave the original in-place
> until you return through it? That is the scheme that Pete and I had been
> talking about. On the one-hand that means that the old code may live for an
> arbitrarily long time, on the other hand it saves you from implementing some
> complicated infrastructure. I suspect that in most JIT use-cases the cost of
> keeping the duplicate function around will be minimal, but I don't actually
> have any data to back that up. :)

I agree that the cost of keeping around the old generated code is
likely to be small.

However, you may need to ensure that nothing returns into the original
code for correctness:  the reason you're replacing an old compilation
with a new one could very well be that you want to do something that
makes the old piece of code incorrect to execute.  For instance, in
the old compilation you may have assumed that class X does not have
any subclasses (and you devirtualized some methods based on this
assumption), but now you're about to dlopen a shared object that will
introduce a class subclassing from X.  Your devirtualization decisions
will be invalid after you've run dlopen, and it would no longer be
correct to execute the old bit of code.

You could also do this by appending all calls / invokes with

  if (!this_method->is_still_valid) {
    do_on_stack_replacement(); // noreturn
  // continue normal execution

and that's perfectly sound because you'll always check validity before
re-entry into a stack frame.  Is this what you meant by frame
residence counting?

> It's worth noting that, as per its design goals, Orc is agnostic about all
> this. Either scheme, or both, should be able to be implemented in the new
> framework. It's just that nobody has implemented it yet.

So this is the Patches Welcome(TM) part. :P

-- Sanjoy

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