[LLVMdev] Alias analysis issue with structs on PPC

Ulrich Weigand Ulrich.Weigand at de.ibm.com
Tue Mar 17 02:56:48 PDT 2015

Hal Finkel <hfinkel at anl.gov> wrote on 16.03.2015 17:56:20:

> If you want to do it at a clang level, the right thing to do is to
> fixup the ABI lowerings for pointers to keep them pointers in this case.
> So this is an artifact of the way that we pass structures, and
> constructing a general solution at the ABI level might be tricky.
> I've cc'd Uli, who did most of the recent work here.
> For the single-element struct case, we could fix this by keeping it
> a pointer type.  The relevant code in Clang is in lib/CodeGen/
> TargetInfo.cpp (look at PPC64_SVR4_ABIInfo::classifyArgumentType and
> nearby code). But that does not really address the underlying issue:
> If I take your example and modify it so that we have:
> struct box {
>     double* source;
>     double* source2;
> };
> then the parameter is passed as:
> define void @test(double* noalias nocapture %result, [2 x i64] %
> my_struct.coerce, i32 signext %len) #0
> and is extracted the same way:
>   %my_struct.coerce.fca.0.extract = extractvalue [2 x i64] %
> my_struct.coerce, 0
>   %0 = inttoptr i64 %my_struct.coerce.fca.0.extract to double*
> but, it is also important to realize that the i64 here in the array
> type is actually chosen to satisfy alignment requirements. If we have
> typedef float __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))) vt;
> struct box {
>     double* source;
>     double* source2;
>     vt v;
> };
> then the struct is passed as:
> define void @test(double* noalias nocapture %result, [2 x i128] %
> my_struct.coerce, i32 signext %len)
> and the extraction code looks like:
>   %my_struct.coerce.fca.0.extract = extractvalue [2 x i128] %
> my_struct.coerce, 0
>   %my_struct.sroa.0.sroa.0.0.extract.shift = lshr i128 %
> my_struct.coerce.fca.0.extract, 64
>   %my_struct.sroa.0.sroa.0.0.extract.trunc = trunc i128 %
> my_struct.sroa.0.sroa.0.0.extract.shift to i64
>   %0 = inttoptr i64 %my_struct.sroa.0.sroa.0.0.extract.trunc to double*
> so just using pointer types instead of i64 will help common cases,
> but will not address the general issue. Now part of this does some
> down to using array parameters as a substitute for byval/direct
> parameters. As I recall, this was done because it allowed a natural
> partial decomposition between GPRs and stack for structures that
> straddle the number of available parameter-passing GPRs. If we could
> accomplish that with regular byval parameters and regular direct
> parameters, then we'd not need any of this array coercion, and the
> system, including for the purposes of aliasing analysis, would work
> as intended. There may be some infrastructure work required in the
> backend (SelectionDAG builder, etc.) -- Uli, if you know please
> comment -- but I think moving away from the array coercions might be
> the right solution, even if that requires some infrastructure

I still think "byval" is the wrong approach here.  Using "byval",
the LLVM target-independent codegen layers assume the ABI requires
actually passing a *pointer* to the argument -- but that's not true
on PowerPC64, no pointer is in fact being passed.

This means that the back-end, in those cases where we use byval,
has to fake up an address when common code asks for the value of
the argument.  This is not too bad if the argument was in fact
actually passed (fully) on the stack, but if it wasn't, we have
to write the argument (partially) to the stack, and possibly
even allocate stack space, just to satisfy common code ...

Now, passing such arguments as "direct" might make more sense.  But
with the current infrastructure, this doesn't really work either.
For one, there is currently no place to attach alignment information
to a "direct" argument, and the back-end is not able in all cases to
reconstruct the required on-stack alignment from the LLVM type info.
In addition, passing a struct type "direct" causes clang codegen
common code in many cases to "flatten" the argument, i.e. pass the
struct elements as separate arguments on the LLVM IR level.  This
may in some cases be OK since it results in the same binary ABI;
but in other cases it is definitively wrong.

Still, if we need to move away from coerced array types, fixing
the infrastructure such that "direct" can be used would be my
prefered solution.  If I understood the original email thread
correctly, the current situation does not lead to incorrect code
generation, just potentially suboptimal code generation?  In this
case, I guess an incremental solution could be employed; we could
start with avoiding the array coercion in those cases where using
the struct type as direct type is already safe even with the
current infrastructure, and then expand the set of types where
this is true by successively improving the infrastructure.


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