[LLVMdev] TCE 1.11 out!

Pekka Jääskeläinen pekka.jaaskelainen at tut.fi
Wed Mar 11 02:35:14 PDT 2015

TTA-based Co-design Environment (TCE) v1.11 released

TTA-based Co-design Environment (TCE) is a toolset for designing
application-specific processors based on the Transport Triggered
Architecture (TTA). The toolset provides a complete retargetable
co-design flow from high-level language programs down to synthesizable
processor RTL (VHDL and Verilog generation supported) and parallel
program binaries. Processor customization points include the register
files, function units, supported operations, and the interconnection

This release adds support for LLVM 3.6, implements the address of label
extension in the compiler, brings various usability improvements and
fixes several bugs among other improvements (see CHANGES document and
'bzr log' for details).


* This time we decided it is not useful to do a "tar ball release".
Users are directed to check out the release branch from the version
control system. The branch might get fixes backported also after
the release announcement.

* 1.11 is the last release of TCE that builds without some C++11
features in the compiler. Minimum level of C++11 support is the one
available in gcc 4.7 (also building TCE using Clang 3.5+ should work).
Support for using TCE with LLVM versions older than 3.5 is dropped in
the next release as well.


We'd like to thank Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
(project "Parallel Acceleration", funding decision 40115/13), the
Academy of Finland (funding decision 253087) and ARTEMIS joint
undertaking under grant agreement no 641439 (ALMARVI), for
financially supporting most of the development work in this release.
Much appreciated!


TCE home page:     http://tce.cs.tut.fi
This announcement: http://tce.cs.tut.fi/downloads/ANNOUNCEMENT
Change log:        http://tce.cs.tut.fi/downloads/CHANGES
Install info:      http://tce.cs.tut.fi/downloads/INSTALL
Bazaar branch:     run: "bzr co lp:tce/1.11 tce-1.11"


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