Matt Arsenault arsenm2 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 17:13:58 PDT 2015

> On Jun 22, 2015, at 9:31 AM, Rafael Espíndola <rafael.espindola at gmail.com> wrote:
> This part is scary.
> Having a third party library dependency is very undesirable from a testing perspective. 

I agree, but it’s what we are stuck with for now. It’s an optional dependency now, so most people building LLVM won’t need to worry about it 
> One of the important property of MC is avoiding the need for two code paths in the code generator. 
> If MC cannot support the format you need, we should work on fixing that in a way that maintains the property that most code is shared when writing objects or assembly. This is a need that is shared by Webassembly I think. 
> My suggestion would be to start with just the assembly printing path and work to figure out what needs to happen in MC. 

It will take a long time to come up with a replacement for emitting BRIG in MC. How blocking of an issue is this to getting this committed? If really necessary, I can strip out the BRIG stuff, but would need to constantly maintain a patch re-adding it on top of trunk which would be a huge hassle so I would rather not.

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