[LLVMdev] readonly and infinite loops

Nuno Lopes nunoplopes at sapo.pt
Tue Jun 30 14:30:15 PDT 2015

>> Interesting.  Could you give an example why knowing a function will
>> halt is
>> essential for the heap-to-stack conversion?
> The key situation you need to establish in order to do heap-to-stack 
> conversion, is that you can see the calls to free (or realloc, etc.) along 
> all control-flow paths. If you can, then you can perform the conversion 
> (because any additional calls to free that you can't observe would lead to 
> a double free, and thus undefined behavior). Thus, if we have this 
> situation:
> void bar(int *a);
> void foo() {
>   int *a = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*40);
>   bar(a);
>   free(a);
> }
> we can perform heap-to-stack conversion iff we know that bar(int *) always 
> returns normally. If it never returns (perhaps by looping indefinitely) 
> then it might capture the pointer, pass it off to some other thread, and 
> that other thread might call free() (or it might just call free() itself 
> before looping indefinitely). In short, we need to know whether the call 
> to free() after the call to bar() is dead. If we know that it is reached, 
> then we can perform heap-to-stack conversion. Also worth noting is that 
> because we unconditionally free(a) after the call to bar(a), it would not 
> be legal for bar(a) to call realloc on a (because if realloc did 
> reallocate the buffer we'd end up freeing it twice when bar(a) did 
> eventually return).

I see, thanks!
Your argument is that knowing that bar returns implies that 'a' cannot be 
captured or reallocated, otherwise it would be UB.  Makes sense, yes.


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