[LLVMdev] msbuild and clang

Reid Kleckner rnk at google.com
Tue Jun 9 09:38:51 PDT 2015

We haven't hit this yet. Can you disable tracker.exe? There's some XML
attribute you can flip for it.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Russell Wallace <russell.wallace at gmail.com>

> Okay, so trying a straight compile of the Python interpreter with
> clang-cl, I used the following commands:
> cd \python-2.7.10\pcbuild
> copy C:\llvm\build\Release\bin\clang-cl.exe cl.exe
> rd /q /s amd64
> rd /q /s win32-temp-debug
> rd /q /s win32-temp-release
> rd /q /s x64-temp-debug
> rd /q /s x64-temp-release
> msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /v:diag /fileLogger pcbuild.sln
> (The second line is the one that substitutes clang-cl - with that removed,
> everything is successful)
> The build failed with the following error message:
>   Tracking command:
>   C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Tracker.exe /d "C:\Program Files
> (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\FileTracker.dll" /i
> C:\Python-2.7.10\PCbuild\x64-temp-Release\kill_python\kill_python.tlog /r
> MSBuildConsole_CancelEvent306536dcec844c0c97517539ced8ed5d  /c
> C:\Python-2.7.10\PCbuild\CL.exe  /c /I..\Include /I..\PC /Zi /nologo /W3
> /WX- /O2 /Ob1 /Oi /GL /D _WIN64 /D _M_X64 /D NDEBUG /D _WIN32 /GF /Gm- /MT
> /GS /Gy /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope
> /Fo"C:\Python-2.7.10\PCbuild\x64-temp-Release\kill_python\\"
> /Fd"C:\Python-2.7.10\PCbuild\x64-temp-Release\kill_python\vc120.pdb" /Gd
> /TC /errorReport:queue /USECL:MS_OPTERON /GS- kill_python.c
> TRACKER : error TRK0002: Failed to execute command:
> "C:\Python-2.7.10\PCbuild\CL.exe
> @C:\Users\w\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4af7576aa6b5441391fa4aea101d878d.rsp".
> The operation identifier is not valid.
> [C:\Python-2.7.10\PCbuild\kill_python.vcxproj]
> I'm not quite sure what to make of this, but a Google search for 'the
> operation identifier is not valid' turned up this:
> https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/714228/visual-studio-11-various-problems-caused-by-its-use-of-3-bit-compiler-even-when-installed-on-64-bit-windows
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__connect.microsoft.com_VisualStudio_feedback_details_714228_visual-2Dstudio-2D11-2Dvarious-2Dproblems-2Dcaused-2Dby-2Dits-2Duse-2Dof-2D3-2Dbit-2Dcompiler-2Deven-2Dwhen-2Dinstalled-2Don-2D64-2Dbit-2Dwindows&d=AwMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=Mfk2qtn1LTDThVkh6-oGglNfMADXfJdty4_bhmuhMHA&m=CtdVIyKfDBlVrIG8rllj8yHGq4c4BsN3lvESbm_CjkQ&s=o4KItqcMr3rNupr7M4SBgnY2NU162F8So8wh7hdqptk&e=>
> Which is not actually the same thing, but suggests that error message is
> msbuild's way of saying something in the toolchain is incompatible with
> something else. Any idea what's wrong here?
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