[LLVMdev] SIMD for sdiv <2 x i64>

Philip Reames listmail at philipreames.com
Fri Jul 24 11:32:41 PDT 2015

This snippet of IR is interesting:
   %sub.ptr.div.iS37_D = sdiv <2 x i64> %sub.ptr.sub.iS36_D, <i64 24, 
i64 24>
   %cmp10S38_D = icmp ugt <2 x i64> %sub.ptr.div.iS37_D, 
   %zextS39_D = sext <2 x i1> %cmp10S38_D to <2 x i64>
   %BCS39_D = bitcast <2 x i64> %zextS39_D to i128
   %mskS39_D = icmp ne i128 %BCS39_D, 0
   br i1 %mskS39_D, label %if.then11, label %if.else

It looks like %msk539_D is basically a test of whether either of the 
vector elements produced by the divide are ugt the spatInstMap.  I can't 
say for sure that we can do better here - I haven't studied our vector 
canonicalization rules enough - but this seems like something which 
could possibly be improved.

This is interesting:
   %splatCallS27_D.splatinsert = insertelement <2 x i8*> undef, i8* 
%call5.i.i, i32 0
   %splatCallS27_D.splat = shufflevector <2 x i8*> 
%splatCallS27_D.splatinsert, <2 x i8*> undef, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer

Can't that shuifflevector be replaced with:
   %splatCallS27_D.splat = insertelement <2 x i8*> 
%splatCallS27_D.splatinsert , i8* %call5.i.i, i32 1

Again, without knowledge of how we canonicalize such things, not 
necessarily a win.  Just suspicious.

The bitcast/extractelement sequence following that shufflevector is also 
interesting.  It looks like it could be rewritten in terms of the i8* 
%call5.i.i and a bitcast.

On 07/24/2015 10:52 AM, zhi chen wrote:
> ------------------------------------ IR 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> if.then.i.i.i.i.i.i:                              ; preds = %if.then4
>   %S25_D = zext <2 x i32> %splatLDS17_D.splat to <2 x i64>
>   %umul_with_overflow.i.iS26_D = shl <2 x i64> %S25_D, <i64 3, i64 3>
>   %extumul_with_overflow.i.iS26_D = extractelement <2 x i64> 
> %umul_with_overflow.i.iS26_D, i32 1
>   %call5.i.i = tail call noalias i8* @_Znam(i64 
> %extumul_with_overflow.i.iS26_D) #22
>   %splatCallS27_D.splatinsert = insertelement <2 x i8*> undef, i8* 
> %call5.i.i, i32 0
>   %splatCallS27_D.splat = shufflevector <2 x i8*> 
> %splatCallS27_D.splatinsert, <2 x i8*> undef, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
>   %bitcastS28_D = bitcast <2 x i8*> %splatCallS27_D.splat to <2 x double*>
>   %extractS29_D = extractelement <2 x double*> %bitcastS28_D, i32 1
>   store double* %extractS29_D, double** %val.i.i, align 8
>   %val.i3.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %class.Vector* %__x, i64 0, i32 3
>   %4 = load double** %val.i3.i.i, align 8, !tbaa !22
>   %splatLDS31_D.splatinsert = insertelement <2 x double*> undef, 
> double* %4, i32 0
>   %splatLDS31_D.splat = shufflevector <2 x double*> 
> %splatLDS31_D.splatinsert, <2 x double*> undef, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
>   %bitcastS32_D = bitcast <2 x double*> %splatLDS31_D.splat to <2 x i8*>
>   %extbitcastS32_D = extractelement <2 x i8*> %bitcastS32_D, i32 1
>   tail call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %call5.i.i, i8* 
> %extbitcastS32_D, i64 %extumul_with_overflow.i.iS26_D, i32 8, i1 false) #9
>   br label %invoke.cont
> invoke.cont:                                      ; preds = 
> %if.then.i.i.i.i.i.i, %if.then4
>   %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint %class.Vector* %__position.coerce to i64
>   %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.iS35_D = ptrtoint <2 x %class.Vector*> 
> %splatInsMapS35_D.splat to <2 x i64>
>   %sub.ptr.sub.iS36_D = sub <2 x i64> %sub.ptr.rhs.castS8_D, 
> %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.iS35_D
>   %sub.ptr.div.iS37_D = sdiv <2 x i64> %sub.ptr.sub.iS36_D, <i64 24, 
> i64 24>
>   %extractS196_D = extractelement <2 x i64> %sub.ptr.div.iS37_D, i32 1
>   %cmp10S38_D = icmp ugt <2 x i64> %sub.ptr.div.iS37_D, 
> %splatInsMapS1_D.splat
>   %zextS39_D = sext <2 x i1> %cmp10S38_D to <2 x i64>
>   %BCS39_D = bitcast <2 x i64> %zextS39_D to i128
>   %mskS39_D = icmp ne i128 %BCS39_D, 0
>   br i1 %mskS39_D, label %if.then11, label %if.else
> -------------------------------------------- Assembly 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> # BB#3:                                 # %if.then.i.i.i.i.i.i
>     vpsllq  $3, %xmm0, %xmm0
>     vpextrq $1, %xmm0, %rbx
>     movq    %rbx, %rdi
>     vmovaps %xmm2, 96(%rsp)         # 16-byte Spill
>     vmovaps %xmm5, 64(%rsp)         # 16-byte Spill
>     vmovdqa %xmm6, 16(%rsp)         # 16-byte Spill
>     callq   _Znam
>     movq    %rax, 128(%rsp)
>     movq    16(%r12), %rsi
>     movq    %rax, %rdi
>     movq    %rbx, %rdx
>     callq   memmove
>     vmovdqa 16(%rsp), %xmm6         # 16-byte Reload
>     vmovaps 64(%rsp), %xmm5         # 16-byte Reload
>     vmovaps 96(%rsp), %xmm2         # 16-byte Reload
>     vmovdqa .LCPI582_0(%rip), %xmm4
> .LBB582_4:                              # %invoke.cont
>     vmovaps %xmm2, 96(%rsp)         # 16-byte Spill
>     vmovdqa 48(%rsp), %xmm0         # 16-byte Reload
>     vpsubq  %xmm0, %xmm2, %xmm0
>     vpextrq $1, %xmm0, %rax
>     movabsq $3074457345618258603, %rcx # imm = 0x2AAAAAAAAAAAAAAB
>     imulq   %rcx
>     movq    %rdx, %rax
>     shrq    $63, %rax
>     sarq    $2, %rdx
>     addq    %rax, %rdx
>     vmovq   %rdx, %xmm1
>     vmovq   %xmm0, %rax
>     imulq   %rcx
>     movq    %rdx, %rax
>     shrq    $63, %rax
>     sarq    $2, %rdx
>     addq    %rax, %rdx
>     vmovq   %rdx, %xmm0
>     vpunpcklqdq %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm0[0],xmm1[0]
>     vpxor   %xmm4, %xmm1, %xmm0
>     vpcmpgtq    %xmm6, %xmm0, %xmm0
>     vptest  %xmm0, %xmm0
>     je  .LBB582_49
> Thanks,
> Zhi
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Philip Reames 
> <listmail at philipreames.com <mailto:listmail at philipreames.com>> wrote:
>     On 07/24/2015 03:42 AM, Benjamin Kramer wrote:
>             On 24.07.2015, at 08:06, zhi chen <zchenhn at gmail.com
>             <mailto:zchenhn at gmail.com>> wrote:
>             It seems that that it's hard to vectorize int64 in LLVM.
>             For example, LLVM 3.4 generates very complicated code for
>             the following IR. I am running on a Haswell processor. Is
>             it because there is no alternative AVX/2 instructions for
>             int64? The same thing also happens to zext <2 x i32> -> <2
>             x i64> and trunc <2 x i64> -> <2 x i32>. Any ideas to
>             optimize these instructions? Thanks.
>             %sub.ptr.sub.i6.i.i.i.i = sub <2 x i64>
>             %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i4.i.i.i.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i5.i.i.i.i
>             %sub.ptr.div.i7.i.i.i.i = sdiv <2 x i64>
>             %sub.ptr.sub.i6.i.i.i.i, <i64 24, i64 24>
>             Assembly:
>                  vpsubq  %xmm6, %xmm5, %xmm5
>                  vmovq   %xmm5, %rax
>                  movabsq $3074457345618258603, %rbx # imm =
>             0x2AAAAAAAAAAAAAAB
>                  imulq   %rbx
>                  movq    %rdx, %rcx
>                  movq    %rcx, %rax
>                  shrq    $63, %rax
>                  shrq    $2, %rcx
>                  addl    %eax, %ecx
>                  vpextrq $1, %xmm5, %rax
>                  imulq   %rbx
>                  movq    %rdx, %rax
>                  shrq    $63, %rax
>                  shrq    $2, %rdx
>                  addl    %eax, %edx
>                  movslq  %edx, %rax
>                  vmovq   %rax, %xmm5
>                  movslq  %ecx, %rax
>                  vmovq   %rax, %xmm6
>                  vpunpcklqdq %xmm5, %xmm6, %xmm5 # xmm5 = xmm6[0],xmm5[0]
>         AVX2 doesn't have integer vector division instructions and
>         LLVM lowers divides by constants into (128 bit) multiplies.
>         However, AVX2 doesn't have a way to get to the upper 64 bits
>         of a 64x64->128 bit multiply either, so LLVM uses the scalar
>         imulq instruction to do that. There's not much room to
>         optimize here given the limitations of AVX2.
>         You seem to be subtracting pointers though, so if you can
>         guarantee that the pointers are aligned you could set the
>         exact bit on your 'sdiv' instruction. That should give better
>         code.
>     Depending on what you're using the result of the divide for, there
>     might be optimizations which could be applied as well.  Can you
>     give a slightly larger context for your source IR?  (1-2 level of
>     uses/defs out from the instructions would help)
>         - Ben
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