[LLVMdev] LLVM instrumentation

Wehrli Johan johan.wehrli at heig-vd.ch
Thu Jul 16 23:43:19 PDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I would like to instrument my code in order to know the number of times a function is called and its execution time.

After some research, I find several leads in llvm/lib/ProfilData/ and llvm/lib/Transform/Instrumentation/ but nothing conclusive.

Does anyone know if this is already possible with LLVM or has a good suggestion for the beginning?

I saw the -fprofile-instr-generate, -fprofile-instr-use, -fprofile-arcs, -ftest-coverage parameters but I can’t get the information I want with it.

It seem that the easiest solution is to write a pass who will instrument the code.



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