[LLVMdev] RFC: Native Windows C++ exception handling

Kaylor, Andrew andrew.kaylor at intel.com
Tue Jan 27 12:58:31 PST 2015

Thanks, Reid.   These are good points.

So I guess that does take us back to something more like my original proposal.

I like your suggestion of having some kind of “eh.actions” intrinsic to represent the outlining rather than the extension to landingpad that I had proposed.  I was just working on something like that in conjunction with my second alternative idea.

What I’d really like is to have the “eh.actions” intrinsic take a shape that makes it really easy to construct the .xdata table directly from these calls.  As I think I mentioned in my original post, I think I have any idea for how to reconstruct functionally correct eh states (at least for synchronous EH purposes) from the invoke and landingpad instructions.  I would like to continue, as in my original proposal, limiting the unwind representations to those that are unique to a given landing pad.  I think with enough documentation I can make that seem sensible.

I’ll start working on a revised proposal.  Let me know if you have any more solid ideas.


From: Reid Kleckner [mailto:rnk at google.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 11:24 AM
To: Kaylor, Andrew
Cc: Bataev, Alexey; Reid Kleckner (reid at kleckner.net); LLVM Developers Mailing List; Anton Korobeynikov; Kreitzer, David L
Subject: Re: [LLVMdev] RFC: Native Windows C++ exception handling

My original reply got stuck in llvmdev moderation (it hit the 100K limit!), so I'm resending without reply context.


Thanks, your explanation of the .xdata tables in terms of EH states makes a lot of sense to me.

I have a few concerns about your new EH proposal, though.

1. If we number the EH states in the frontend, we will have to renumber them during inlining. This isn't insurmountable, but seems like a design weakness. The major motivation for using the @llvm.eh.typeid.for intrinsic is to delay numbering the catch clauses until codegen, which is after inlining. Honestly, we should consider lowering @llvm.eh.typeid.for during EH preparation so that we can try forming a 'switch' in IR instead of a series of conditional branches.

Reminds me of http://llvm.org/PR20300, which is a similar EH preparation improvement I want to do.

2. Without the invoke instruction and accompanying landing pad, the IR has a lot of implicit control flow. Without explicit control flow, we can't promote allocas to SSA values, which LLVM basically requires before any real optimization can begin. Consider this example:

int x = g();
try {
} catch (int) {
  x++; // use x as input and output
return x;

Today we will promote 'x' to values like this:

  %x = call i32 @g()
  invoke @f() to label %ret unwind label %lpad
  landingpad ...
  ; elided EH dispatch, assume selector is for 'int'
  %x1 = add i32 %x, 1
  br label %ret
  %x = phi i32 [%x, %entry ], [%x1, %lpad]

In your IR example, it looks like the control flow edge from 'call void @_Z14do_inner_thingv' to the catch handler code comes at the end of the function prior to the return.

How would you change it if there was an assignment of a variable like 'x' before and after the call and a load of 'x' in the catch handlers? I don't think we can do correct phi insertion on the CFG as written.

3. Ultimately, the explicit state setting intrinsics will be lowered out and we will need to form the ip2state table. Unfortunately, bracketed intrinsics aren't quite enough to recover the natural scoping of the source program, which is something we've seen with @llvm.lifetime.start / end. What should the backend do if it sees control flow like this?

  call void @llvm.eh.setehstate(i32 0)
  br label %bb3
  call void @llvm.eh.setehstate(i32 2)
  br label %bb3
  invoke void @do_something() ; Which EH state are we in?

We could establish IR rules that such join points need to reset the EH state, but then we have to go and teach optimizers about it. It's basically a no-IR-modifications version of labelling each BB with an unwind label, which is something that's been proposed before more directly: http://llvm.org/PR1269.

Personally, I think we could make this change to LLVM IR, but at a great cost. Implicit EH control flow would open up a completely new class of bugs in LLVM optimizers that doesn't exist today. Most LLVM hackers working on optimizations that I talk to *REALLY* don't want to carry the burden of implicit control flow. However, my coworkers may be biased, because exceptions are banned in most settings here at Google.

Anyway, unless we go all the way and make the EH state a first class IR construct, I feel like @llvm.eh.state imposes too many restrictions on IR transformations. What happens if I reorder the BBs? Consider that MBB placement happens very late, and is guided primarily by branch probability, not source order.


So, to attempt to address this, I think maybe we can go back to something like your first proposal.

I continue to think that the right thing to do is to emit the Itanium-style landingpads from the frontend, and transform the control flow into something more table-like after optimizations. If we do things this way we don't have to teach the middle-end to reason about new constructs like @llvm.eh.state.

I propose that the preparation pass does all the outlining and removes all the landing pad code. It will leave behind the landingpad instruction and a call to an intrinsic (@llvm.eh.actions()) that lists the handlers and handler types in the order that they need to run.

To preserve the structure of the CFG, the actions intrinsic will return an i8* that will feed into an indirectbr terminator.

Similar to SjLj, SSA values live across the landing pad entrances and exits will be demoted to stack allocations. Unlike SjLj, to allow access from outlined landing pad code, the stack memory will be part of the @llvm.frameallocate block.

Here's how _Z4testv would look after preparation:

define void @_Z4testv() #0 {
  %frame_alloc = call i8* @llvm.frameallocate(i32 2)
  %capture_block = bitcast i8* %frame_alloc to %captures._Z4testv*
  %outer = getelementptr %captures._Z4testv* %capture_block, i32 0, i32 0
  %inner = getelementptr %captures._Z4testv* %capture_block, i32 0, i32 1
  invoke void @_ZN5OuterC1Ev(%struct.Outer* %outer)
          to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad

invoke.cont:                                      ; preds = %entry
  invoke void @_ZN5InnerC1Ev(%struct.Inner* %inner)
          to label %invoke.cont2 unwind label %lpad1

invoke.cont2:                                     ; preds = %invoke.cont
  invoke void @_Z14do_inner_thingv()
          to label %invoke.cont4 unwind label %lpad3

invoke.cont4:                                     ; preds = %invoke.cont2
  invoke void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%struct.Inner* %inner)
          to label %try.cont unwind label %lpad1

try.cont:                                         ; preds = %invoke.cont4, %invoke.cont8
  invoke void @_ZN5OuterD1Ev(%struct.Outer* %outer)
          to label %try.cont19 unwind label %lpad

try.cont19:                                       ; preds = %try.cont, %invoke.cont17
  call void @_Z10keep_goingv()
  ret void

lpad:                                             ; preds = %try.cont, %entry
  %0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
          catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
  %recover = call i8* (...)* @llvm.eh.actions(
      i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*), void (i8*, i8*)* @catch_float)
  indirectbr i8* %recover, [label %try.cont], [label %try.cont19]

lpad1:                                            ; preds = %invoke.cont4, %invoke.cont
  %3 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
          catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
          catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
  %recover1 = call i8* (...)* @llvm.eh.actions(
      i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*), void (i8*, i8*)* @catch_int,
      i32 0, i8* null,                         void (i8*, i8*)* @dtor_outer,
      i32 2, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*), void (i8*, i8*)* @catch_float)
  indirectbr i8* %recover1, [label %try.cont], [label %try.cont19]

lpad3:                                            ; preds = %invoke.cont2
  %6 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
          catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
          catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*)
  %recover2 = call i8* (...)* @llvm.eh.actions(
      i32 0, i8* null,                         void (i8*, i8*)* @dtor_inner,
      i32 1, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*), void (i8*, i8*)* @catch_int,
      i32 0, i8* null,                         void (i8*, i8*)* @dtor_outer,
      i32 2, i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIf to i8*), void (i8*, i8*)* @catch_float)
  indirectbr i8* %recover2, [label %try.cont], [label %try.cont19]

One issue is that I'm not sure how to catch a "float" exception thrown by handle_int(). I'll have to think about that.

It's also not clear to me that we need to have the i32 selector in @llvm.eh.actions. We need a way to distinguish between catch-all (traditionally i8* null) and a cleanup. We could just use some other constant like 'i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*)' and make that the cleanup sentinel.

I think there are still issues here, like how to actually implement this transform, but I'm going to hit send now and keep thinking. :)
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