[LLVMdev] UBSan on AArch64

Renato Golin renato.golin at linaro.org
Wed Jan 7 11:36:14 PST 2015

On 7 January 2015 at 18:19, Kostya Serebryany <kcc at google.com> wrote:
> Can you give more info (exact report, gdb trace, etc)

It's not that simple, as the actual failure is down the service
routine, which only triggers way down the execution line, so stepping
through it is not trivial. One would have to know what to expect (ie.
know the UBsan code, setthe right breakpoints) and step through on
AArch64 directly. Unfortunately, I can't give you access to that
machine. :(

> We never tried, but there is very little platform dependent code in UBSan.

Maybe I should disable it. the thing is that I want to get a baseline,
where we can start from a green bot. Marking as XFAIL is one way to
document that "this should pass", instead of UNSUPPORTED, which
shouldn't. Since it's already marked as XFAIL for ARM, I'm guessing
one fix should help both archs.


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