[LLVMdev] How to create a Function type @x = external global void ()*

Hayden Livingston halivingston at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 10:08:16 PST 2015


I'm trying to generate LLVM IR that looks like:

@x = external global void ()*

I've spent some time looking and staring at LLVM docs, but can't go from:

@x = external global void ()

to the desired * notation

And therefore when I try to call it, it fails, because I've added the
global mapping for x to be a pointer location where the function I'm
calling resides.

Here is the IR today, and I'm guessing the @x() call would be changed to
load and then call indirect or something.

define double @sum(double, double) {
  call void @x()
  %tmp = fadd double %0, %1
  ret double %tmp

Help much appreciated.
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