[LLVMdev] Y.A.Project based on LLVM: ParaSail LLVM-Based compiler

Tucker Taft taft at adacore.com
Sat Feb 14 11:45:44 PST 2015

ParaSail (http://parasail-lang.org) is a safe pervasively-parallel object-oriented 
programming language.  Starting in June 2014 we began the construction of an LLVM-based 
backend for ParaSail.  The existing ParaSail interpreter is broken into a front end that 
generates instructions for the "ParaSail Virtual Machine" (PSVM), and an interpreter for 
PSVM instructions.  The LLVM-based backend translates these PSVM instructions into LLVM 
instructions, and then uses "llc" to generate object code.  Parts of the interpreter, 
essentially the ParaSail run-time support library routines, are linked with the result to 
form an executable.

The translator from PSVM to LLVM is itself written in ParaSail, and has been bootstrapped. 
  The ParaSail Standard Library is also written in ParaSail, and has also been 
bootstrapped through the LLVM-based compiler.  We are now in the process of tuning the 
code generation strategies, and in inlining or streamlining parts of the ParaSail run-time 
support library.

All ParaSail software is open source, and can be downloaded from http://parasail-lang.org. 
  There is also a "blog" that documents the design and implementation of ParaSail: 

-Tucker Taft
Lexington, MA

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