[llvm-dev] Trouble supressing ASAN reported leaks

Alexey Samsonov via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 15 12:20:05 PST 2015

Hi Dan,

First of all, sorry for apparently misleading documentation. Currently you
*can't* use blacklist
to suppress memory leak reports: blacklist is applied at compile-time, and
leak detection
machinery brought up at run-time doesn't know about it.

We should probably fix a documentation, as a first step.

What you can use is:
1) Runtime suppression: see

You may pass environment variable LSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=suppr.txt
and try to specify smth. like
in suppr.txt

2) You see the error report because LSan is invoked *after* all global
destructors. So, you have
std::map<unsigned, std::vector<const Array *>
*> Array::symbolicArraySingletonMap;
which contains pointers as values. When the map is destroyed, it's cleared,
and the allocated objects are
no longer reachable. As a quick-fix, you can replace a global std::map with
*a pointer* to global std::map
which will also never be deleted. In that way all your objects will be
reachable until the shutdown, and ASan/LSan will be silent.

3) You may schedule to run leak detection at an earlier point - e.g. as the
last statement of main(): call __lsan_do_leak_check()
from <sanitizer/lsan_interface.h>. This would run the leak detection before
the global destructors, i.e. before std::map is destroyed

Hope that helps.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 10:58 AM, Dan Liew via llvm-dev <
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to find and fix memory leaks (compiling with
> ``-fsanitize=address``) in the KLEE tool [1] an having found some
> leaks and I'm having trouble suppressing them.
> I'm trying to suppress them using the
> ``-fsanitize-blacklist=blacklist.txt`` option as documented at
> [2]. I'm using Clang 3.7 ( Arch Linux package 3.7.0-6).
> The sort of reported leaks I see are
> ```
> ==9912==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 24 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x4df4a0 in operator new(unsigned long)
> (/home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/build_asan/unittests/Expr/Release+Asserts/ExprTests+0x4df4a0)
>     #1 0x4f76e1 in
> klee::Array::CreateArray(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long,
> klee::ref<klee::ConstantExpr> const*, klee::ref<klee::ConstantExpr>
> const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)
> /home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/src/lib/Expr/Expr.cpp:522:16
>     #2 0x4e30d5 in (anonymous
> namespace)::ExprTest_ConcatExtract_Test::TestBody()
> /home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/src/unittests/Expr/ExprTest.cpp:34:25
>     #3 0x526410 in testing::Test::Run()
> (/home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/build_asan/unittests/Expr/Release+Asserts/ExprTests+0x526410)
> ...
> Indirect leak of 80 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x4df4a0 in operator new(unsigned long)
> (/home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/build_asan/unittests/Expr/Release+Asserts/ExprTests+0x4df4a0)
>     #1 0x4f75ce in
> klee::Array::CreateArray(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long,
> klee::ref<klee::ConstantExpr> const*, klee::ref<klee::ConstantExpr>
> const*, unsigned int, u
> nsigned int) /home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/src/lib/Expr/Expr.cpp:506:25
>     #2 0x4e2ff3 in (anonymous
> namespace)::ExprTest_ConcatExtract_Test::TestBody()
> /home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/src/unittests/Expr/ExprTest.cpp:32:24
>     #3 0x526410 in testing::Test::Run()
> (/home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/build_asan/unittests/Expr/Release+Asserts/ExprTests+0x526410)
> ```
> The source of the trouble is this static object.
> ```
> std::map<unsigned, std::vector<const Array *> *>
> Array::symbolicArraySingletonMap;
> ```
> Neither the ``std::vector<const Array*>`` pointers or the ``const
> Array`` pointers are being freed. Sure this code is bad (don't blame
> me, I didn't write it), but I want to skip over this leak to find more
> interesting issues.
> I can't seem to suppress it though. I've tried putting the following
> in the ``blacklist.txt`` file
> * Explicitly naming the source file, like this
> src:/home/dsl11/dev/klee/klee/src/lib/Expr/Expr.cpp
> * Naming the function where the leak originates (demangled)
> fun:klee::Array::CreateArray
> * Naming the function where the leak originates (mangled)
> fun:_ZN4klee5Array11CreateArrayERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEmPKNS_3refINS_12ConstantExprEEESD_jj
> * Naming the global (demangled)
> global:klee::Array::symbolicArraySingletonMap
> * Naming the global (mangled)
> global:_ZN4klee5Array25symbolicArraySingletonMapE
> None of these succeed in suppressing the error. Does anyone have any
> idea what I'm doing wrong?
> Note I'm also using a fairly new build of libstdc++ which is using a
> new ABI [3]. I'm not sure if this would cause problems.
> [1] https://github.com/klee/klee
> [2]
> http://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html#suppressing-errors-in-recompiled-code-blacklist
> [3] https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/using_dual_abi.html
> Thanks,
> Dan.
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Alexey Samsonov
vonosmas at gmail.com
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