[LLVMdev] double* to <2 x double>*

zhi chen zchenhn at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 00:46:23 PDT 2015

Does anyone know how to instrument *double* to <2 x doulbe>**, e.g., 2.2
--> <2.2, 2.2>?
For example, I want to change the following IR code

%arrayidx1 = getelementptr inbounds [100 x double]* @main.B, i32 0, i32
%1 = load double* %arrayidx1, align 4, !tbaa !0


%arrayidx1 = getelementptr inbounds [100 x double]* @main.B, i32 0, i32
%1 = bitcast double* %arrayidx1 to <2 x double>*
%2 = load <2 x double>* %1, align 4

what I right now doing is:
*Assume pInst is *%1 = load double* %arrayidx1, align 4, !tbaa !0

Value *loadValue = pInst->getOperand(0);
Type *vecTy = VectorType::get(Type::getDoublePtrTy(currF->getContext()), 2);
Value *emptyVec = UndefValue::get(vecTy);
Type* u32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(currF->getContext());
Value *index0 =  ConstantInt::get(u32Ty, 0);
Value *index1 =  ConstantInt::get(u32Ty, 1);

Instruction *InsertVal = InsertElementInst::Create(emptyVec, loadValue,
index0, "");
InsertVal = InsertElementInst::Create(emptyVec, loadValue, index1, "");

It turned out that the way I am doing is not right because the output is <2
x double*>. Any help will be appreciated!

BTW, can I use bitcastInst (*if so, how?*) or I have to use

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