[LLVMdev] Fail to load a pointer to a function inside MCJIT-ed code when it is reload from ObjectCache

Lang Hames lhames at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 10:53:53 PDT 2014

Hi Cheng,

>From the snippet of IR that you attached, it looks like your IR already has
a definition for the ExprState type.

Operating on the assumption that you are calling JittedOpExpr yourself via
MCJIT->getSymbolAddress() (Or one of the runFunction methods). In that case
I think there are two things you do:

(1) When you are building the IR for JittedOpExpr you need to make sure
that the call to IrExprGetValue1 references the %expr argument of JittedOpExpr,
rather than a hard-coded pointer.

(2) In your JIT, you will need to allocate an ExprState object. This could
just be done on the stack. The code would be along the lines of:

Function* F = M->getFunction("JittedOpExpr");
ExprState S;
JIT->runFunction(F, { GenericValue(&S); });

Apologies in advance if I've misunderstood your use-case. If the above does
not work for you, could you please file a bug at llvm.org/bugs and attach
the full JIT'ed IR and JIT driver code?


On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Cheng Zhu <chengzhu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Lang. You are right. The structure ExprState is allocated in
> every run, I should not hard code the pointer in IR. I tried to google an
> example using IRBuilder to allocate structure and access its element, but
> couldn't find any. Could you give me a simple example on it? Once I create
> a new ExprState and pass it to @IrExprGetValue1  I think the problem
> should be solved.
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Lang Hames <lhames at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Cheng,
>> Thanks for attaching the object file and bit code - it's very helpful.
>> I think the problem is that there is a pointer address hard-coded into
>> your IR. If the data that pointer references is stored at a different
>> address on your second run (which is highly likely) you get the failure
>> that you're seeing.
>> In your definition of JittedOpExpr, the first call instruction (to
>> IRExprGetValue1) is:
>> %lhs = call i64 @IrExprGetValue1(%struct.ExprState* inttoptr (i64
>> 140715076067816 to %struct.ExprState*), %struct.ExprContext* %econtext,
>> i8* %isNull, i32* %isDone)
>> Note the hard coded pointer address 140715076067816 (0x7ffac81fa1e8).
>> That should probably have been a reference to the %expr argument of
>> JittedOpExpr. If you change this call to use %expr rather than the
>> hard-coded address I think it will fix your issue.
>> I hope this helps.
>> Regards,
>> Lang.
>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Cheng Zhu <chengzhu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you Lang. I attached the ELF object file here for your reference.
>>> Here is the IR dump of JittedOpExpr LLVM function. IrExprGetValue1 LLVM
>>> function calls to external function expr->evalfunc(expr, econtext, isNull,
>>> isDone); which should be pointed by 0x7fe4801fa1f8. However, only the first
>>> time MCJIT generated object point to expr->evalfunc but second time when
>>> program load from object cache does not. In the second time, before program
>>> load object cache, brand new llvm::Module and llvm::ExecutionEngine are
>>> created. IrExprGetValue is saved in file as IR format and will be loaded
>>> into module every run. JittedOpExpr and other LLVM function are created and
>>> associated with the new Module.
>>> ; Function Attrs: uwtable
>>> define i64 @IrExprGetValue1(%struct.ExprState* %expr,
>>> %struct.ExprContext* %econtext, i8* %isNull, i32* %isDone) #0 {
>>> entry:
>>>   %expr.addr = alloca %struct.ExprState*, align 8
>>>   %econtext.addr = alloca %struct.ExprContext*, align 8
>>>   %isNull.addr = alloca i8*, align 8
>>>   %isDone.addr = alloca i32*, align 8
>>>   store %struct.ExprState* %expr, %struct.ExprState** %expr.addr, align 8
>>>   store %struct.ExprContext* %econtext, %struct.ExprContext**
>>> %econtext.addr, align 8
>>>   store i8* %isNull, i8** %isNull.addr, align 8
>>>   store i32* %isDone, i32** %isDone.addr, align 8
>>>   %0 = load %struct.ExprState** %expr.addr, align 8
>>>   %evalfunc = getelementptr inbounds %struct.ExprState* %0, i32 0, i32 2
>>>   %evalfunc1 = bitcast {}** %evalfunc to i64 (%struct.ExprState*,
>>> %struct.ExprContext*, i8*, i32*)**
>>>   %1 = load i64 (%struct.ExprState*, %struct.ExprContext*, i8*, i32*)**
>>> %evalfunc1, align 8
>>>   %2 = load %struct.ExprState** %expr.addr, align 8
>>>   %3 = load %struct.ExprContext** %econtext.addr, align 8
>>>   %4 = load i8** %isNull.addr, align 8
>>>   %5 = load i32** %isDone.addr, align 8
>>>   %call = call i64 %1(%struct.ExprState* %2, %struct.ExprContext* %3,
>>> i8* %4, i32* %5)
>>>   ret i64 %call
>>> }
>>> define i64 @JittedIntLit() {
>>> entry:
>>>   ret i64 5
>>> }
>>> define i64 @JittedOpExpr(%struct.ExprState* %expr, %struct.ExprContext*
>>> %econtext, i8* %isNull, i32* %isDone) {
>>> entry:
>>>   %lhs = call i64 @IrExprGetValue1(%struct.ExprState* inttoptr (i64
>>> 140715076067816 to %struct.ExprState*), %struct.ExprContext* %econtext, i8*
>>> %isNull, i32* %isDone)
>>>   %rhs = call i64 @JittedIntLit()
>>>   %tmp_add = add i64 %lhs, %rhs
>>>   ret i64 %tmp_add
>>> }
>>> and /samba/data/gDB2/src/ptcompiler/compiler/llvm_ir/GaussDB.ir contains
>>> extern "C"
>>> Datum IrExprGetValue(ExprState* expr, ExprContext *econtext, bool
>>> *isNull, ExprDoneCond *isDone) {
>>>   return expr->evalfunc(expr, econtext, isNull, isDone);
>>> }
>>> Cheng
>>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Lang Hames <lhames at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Cheng,
>>>> It sounds like the either (1) 0x7fe4801fa1f8 is part of the
>>>> environment, and it's not being configured the same way the 2nd time
>>>> around, or (2) The JIT is handling on-disk objects differently from
>>>> in-memory ones. The first option is more likely.
>>>> It would be helpful if you could attach the object that was stored in
>>>> your cache.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Lang.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Cheng Zhu <chengzhu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, All
>>>>> I have a problem to reuse mcjit jitted code loaded from ObjectCache
>>>>> from a file. In the first run, I use MCJIT generate function JittedOpExpr
>>>>> object code as following and it runs OK. 0x7fe4801fa1f8 at instruction
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2014 points to 0x69382E which is the beginning of ExecEvalVar
>>>>> function. Then I save the object code into a file after implementing
>>>>> notifyObjectCompiled method.
>>>>>                     IrExprGetValue:
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2000:   push %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2001:   mov %rsp,%rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2004:   mov 0x10(%rdi),%rax
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2008:   pop %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2009:   jmpq *%rax
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c200b:   nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
>>>>>                     JittedOpExpr:
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2010:   push %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2011:   mov %rsp,%rbp
>>>>> *0x00007fe4cc6c2014:   movabs $0x7fe4801fa1f8,%rax*
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c201e:   movabs $0x7fe4801fa1e8,%rdi
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2028:   callq *(%rax)
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c202a:   add $0x5,%rax
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c202e:   pop %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c202f:   retq
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2030:   adc $0x0,%al
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2032:   add %al,(%rax)
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2034:   add %al,(%rax)
>>>>> *0x7fe4801fa1f8 -> 0x69382E*
>>>>> *                    ExecEvalVar*(ExprState*, ExprContext*, bool*,
>>>>> ExprDoneCond*):
>>>>> 0x000000000069382e:   push %rbp
>>>>> 0x000000000069382f:   mov %rsp,%rbp
>>>>> 0x0000000000693832:   push %r12
>>>>> In the next run, I buildedunction of JittedOpExpr again and loaded
>>>>> compiled object from that saved binary file using getObject and went
>>>>> through getPointertoFunction from MCJIT execution engine, I got the
>>>>> following object code in memory. But this time 0x7fe4801fa1f8 points to
>>>>> 0x0, so when callq *(%rax) it couldn't find the ExecEvalVar anymore. I
>>>>> followed the blog "Object Caching with the Kaleidoscope Example Problem"
>>>>> written by Andy Kaylor by implementing my own MCJITObjectCache class. Did I
>>>>> miss anything here? Thank you very much.
>>>>>                     IrExprGetValue:
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2000:   push %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2001:   mov %rsp,%rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2004:   mov 0x10(%rdi),%rax
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2008:   pop %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2009:   jmpq *%rax
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c200b:   nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
>>>>>                     JittedOpExpr:
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2010:   push %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2011:   mov %rsp,%rbp
>>>>> *0x00007fe4cc6c2014:   movabs $0x7fe4801fa1f8,%rax*
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c201e:   movabs $0x7fe4801fa1e8,%rdi
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c2028:   callq *(%rax)
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c202a:   add $0x5,%rax
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c202e:   pop %rbp
>>>>> 0x00007fe4cc6c202f:   retq
>>>>> *but 0x7fe4801fa1f8 -> 000000000*
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Cheng
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>>> --
>>> Best regards
>>> Cheng
> --
> Best regards
> Cheng
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