[LLVMdev] Virtual register def doesn't dominate all uses

Boris Boesler baembel at gmx.de
Fri Oct 24 07:53:13 PDT 2014


During my backend development I get the error message for some tests:
*** Bad machine code: Virtual register def doesn't dominate all uses. ***

(C source-code, byte-code disassembly and printed machine code at the end of the email)

The first USE of vreg4 in BB#1 has no previous DEF in BB#0 or #1. But why? I can't see how the LLVM byte-code is transformed to the lower machine code.

One possible reason could be that I haven't implemented all operations, eg I didn't implement MUL at this stage. Their "state" is LEGAL and not CUSTOM or EXPAND. But it fails with implemented operations as well.

What did I do wrong? Missing implementation for some operations? What did I miss to implement?

Thanks in advance,


C source-code:
int simple_loop(int end_loop_index)
  int sum = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < end_loop_index; i++) {
    sum += i;

LLVm byte-code disassembly:
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
define i32 @simple_loop(i32 %end_loop_index) #1 {
  %cmp4 = icmp sgt i32 %end_loop_index, 0
  br i1 %cmp4, label %for.cond.for.end_crit_edge, label %for.end

for.cond.for.end_crit_edge:                       ; preds = %entry
  %0 = add i32 %end_loop_index, -2
  %1 = add i32 %end_loop_index, -1
  %2 = zext i32 %0 to i33
  %3 = zext i32 %1 to i33
  %4 = mul i33 %3, %2
  %5 = lshr i33 %4, 1
  %6 = trunc i33 %5 to i32
  %7 = add i32 %6, %end_loop_index
  %8 = add i32 %7, -1
  br label %for.end

for.end:                                          ; preds = %for.cond.for.end_crit_edge, %entry
  %sum.0.lcssa = phi i32 [ %8, %for.cond.for.end_crit_edge ], [ 0, %entry ]
  ret i32 %sum.0.lcssa

The emitted blocks are:
Function Live Ins: %R0 in %vreg2

BB#0: derived from LLVM BB %entry
    Live Ins: %R0
	%vreg2<def> = COPY %R0; IntRegs:%vreg2
	%vreg3<def> = MV 0; SRegs:%vreg3
	CMP %vreg2, 1, %FLAG<imp-def>; IntRegs:%vreg2
	%vreg6<def> = COPY %vreg3; SRegs:%vreg6,%vreg3
	BR_cc <BB#2>, 20, %FLAG<imp-use,kill>
	BR <BB#1>
    Successors according to CFG: BB#1(20) BB#2(12)

BB#1: derived from LLVM BB %for.cond.for.end_crit_edge
    Predecessors according to CFG: BB#0
	%vreg4<def> = MV %vreg4; IntRegs:%vreg4
	%vreg5<def> = ADD %vreg4<kill>, -1; IntRegs:%vreg5,%vreg4
	%vreg0<def> = COPY %vreg5<kill>; SRegs:%vreg0 IntRegs:%vreg5
	%vreg6<def> = COPY %vreg0; SRegs:%vreg6,%vreg0
    Successors according to CFG: BB#2

BB#2: derived from LLVM BB %for.end
    Predecessors according to CFG: BB#0 BB#1
	%vreg1<def> = COPY %vreg6<kill>; SRegs:%vreg1,%vreg6
	%R0<def> = COPY %vreg1; SRegs:%vreg1
	RETURN %R0<imp-use>

# End machine code for function simple_loop.

*** Bad machine code: Virtual register def doesn't dominate all uses. ***
- function:    simple_loop
- basic block: BB#1 for.cond.for.end_crit_edge (0x7fd7cb025250)
- instruction: %vreg4<def> = MV %vreg4; IntRegs:%vreg4
LLVM ERROR: Found 1 machine code errors.

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