[LLVMdev] [RFC] New ToolsSupport library for stuff that only tools need

Chris Bieneman beanz at apple.com
Thu Nov 6 15:22:00 PST 2014

> On Nov 6, 2014, at 3:00 PM, Reid Kleckner <rnk at google.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Juergen Ributzka <juergen at apple.com <mailto:juergen at apple.com>> wrote:
> I would have preferred the library to be moved out of the “Support” folder and have its own top-level library and include folder.
> +1, you will need to do this if you want to support the autoconf build system.

This should be a fairly small change to make.

> ----
> Looking at the diff, I now remember why you want to do this. I seem to recall you want to do this because the Mac-specific code in Support defines raise(), __assert_rtn(), and abort(), and that's hostile to embedders like WebKit. Makes sense, it's a gross hack, and I'd be in favor of fixing it if possible. If it weren't for this hack, I would recommend that you just avoid calling PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal from WebKit.

That hack is the primary motivator, but that can be solved other ways. One option would be for us to move the nasty Mac-specific hack out of the cpp file and into a header that tools could optionally include.

> Is there some way we can prevent this Mac-specific hack from affecting our library organization? It's not clear to me that the distinction between Support and ToolsSupport is really worth it.
> Most LLVM tools are single threaded and don't need to redirect signals to the current thread. I think it's only the crash recovery logic that needs the signal to be delivered to the current thread. Maybe we should factor out a CrashRecovery library, given that XCode via libclang is basically the only client of this stuff? Does WebKit want to try to recover from JIT assertion failures?

The other thought I had which motivated this solution was that if we could strip all the functionality that is only really used by tools out into a separate library it would offer cleaner organization of code. Support seems to often get used as a dumping ground for stuff that just doesn’t fit anywhere else.

Based on your feedback and Chandler’s maybe this just isn’t the right separation. I can look into a solution to address our hackiness without creating a separate library.

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