[LLVMdev] [ exception_ptr ] libcxx doesn't cope well with libcxxabi under linux

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Thu May 1 12:00:31 PDT 2014

01.05.2014, 20:18, "Emanuele Cestari" <emanuelecestari at yahoo.com>:
> Since the original buildit script doesn't cover my needs I switched to a custom but really similar script, in the meantime I also got the habit to dig for new flags and support and the __GLIBCXX__ define was hiding some of this errors. I see that other linux-based operating system offer this kind of support and they even use the same core components of my GNU/Linux distribution.
> You are right, in the end I get this warnings but how I'm supposed to fill the voids ? In other words why I should user libc++ under linux and what are the benefits ? I should go for libstdc++ and libsupc++ ?

You can try libcxxrt instead of libc++abi


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