[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] computing a conservatively rounded square of a double

Philip Reames listmail at philipreames.com
Wed Mar 26 14:34:45 PDT 2014

On 03/26/2014 11:36 AM, Geoffrey Irving wrote:
> I am trying to compute conservative lower and upper bounds for the
> square of a double.  I have set the rounding mode to FE_UPWARDS
> elsewhere, so the code is
> struct Interval {
>    double nlo, hi;
> };
> Interval inspect_singleton_sqr(const double x) {
>    Interval s;
>    s.nlo = x * -x;
>    s.hi = x * x;
>    return s;
> }
> Both multiplies are necessary, since they round in different
> directions.  However, clang does not know this, assumes that x * -x =
> -(x * x), and simplifies down to a single multiply:
> .LCPI1_0:
>    .quad -9223372036854775808    # double -0.000000e+00
>    .quad -9223372036854775808    # double -0.000000e+00
>    .text
>    .globl  _Z21inspect_singleton_sqrd
>    .align  16, 0x90
>    .type _Z21inspect_singleton_sqrd, at function
> _Z21inspect_singleton_sqrd:             # @_Z21inspect_singleton_sqrd
>    .cfi_startproc
> # BB#0:
>    vmulsd  %xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm1
>    vxorpd  .LCPI1_0(%rip), %xmm1, %xmm0
>    ret
> .Ltmp1:
>    .size _Z21inspect_singleton_sqrd, .Ltmp1-_Z21inspect_singleton_sqrd
>    .cfi_endproc
> I realize this is unsupported behavior, but it would be nice to still
> be able to use clang to do numerical computation.  Is there a way to
> convince clang to not pull the multiplication outside addition?  I
> would like to avoid interfering with other optimizations in the
> process: the problem is easy to solve by making a multiply function
> and marking it never inline, but that would be terrible for
> performance.  I am happy to write clang specific code that turns on
> only when __clang__ is defined.
> Thanks,
> Geoffrey

Geoffrey - In the short term, if you marked this function as 
"/__attribute__((optnone))"/, that might have the effect you desire.  

As for the more general solution, I don't know.

For the rest of this, I'm speaking only as an interested observer. None 
of this is particularly thought through.

We really should have a good solution to this.  I know we don't 
currently support floating point context and flags, but not being able 
to support standard idioms from numerical computation seems very 

Here's one proposal to get the conversation started - please don't take 
it too seriously.

We could introduce an "fp_rounding_sensitive" annotation (flag?) on the 
instruction level which disables optimizations sensative to floating 
point rounding.  This could be parsed by clang as either a function 
attribute or statement attribute.

Alternatively, we could introduce an "fp_rounding_mode(x)" annotation 
with the semantics of specifying the desired rounding mode.  The 
required work would be much the same.

I'm picturing either of these being *really* course grained in their 
effect - at least to start.  Something like disable all FP optimizations 
within their context.

A toy implementation could even map the presence of such a flag to 
"optnone" as a starting point.  We could improve incrementally over time.

p.s. If we already have such a thing and I just don't remember, please 
feel free to point that out.  :)


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